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Question 22 : Read the following paragraph and answer the question that follows:
In a 2017 survey of 3,915 American workers, my colleagues and I found that workers report experiencing a sizable “voice gap” at work — that is, a gap between how much say or influence they feel they ought to have and how much they actually have — on topics such as wages, working conditions, fair treatment, and input into how they do their work. And now a second study, I have just completed with a new team, finds that today’s workers want forms of voice and representation that go well beyond traditional unions.
Based on the above paragraph, which of the following options would you agree with the MOST?
A. The first study shows the frustration of the American workers and the second study shows the inability of unions in addressing them. – There is no mention of “inability” of unions. The tone of the passage only seems to suggest that there is a need to supplement the union’s efforts. Hence, this option can be eliminated.
B. The first study highlights the existence of the problem and the second study highlights the need for new ways of solving it. – This is the perfect essence of the passage. “… go well beyond traditional unions” clearly gives away the need for new ways. This is the right answer choice.
C. The first study defines the concept and the second study uses the concept in a specific context. – In the second study, the “context” is not specific. The inference is only more specific. Hence, this is not the right answer choice.
D. The first study shows the intensity of the problem and the second study shows limitations of the existing solutions. – The second study also shows the intensity of the problem in some ways. There is no clear definition of “intensity” and hence this option can be eliminated. IT is not as apt as option B.
E. The first study focuses on the need for fair representation and the second study discusses forms of representation. – The first study does not exactly state a need for fair representation. It just points out the gaps. Though this seems like the right option, it is also not as apt as option B. Hence, this one can also be eliminated.
Choice B is the correct answer.
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