The best questions to practice for XAT Exam are the actual XAT Question Papers. 2IIM offers you exactly that, in a student friendly format to take value from this. In XAT 2023 we saw some beautiful questions that laid emphasis on Learning ideas from basics and being able to comprehend more than remembering gazillion formulae and shortcuts. Original XAT Question paper is the best place to start off your XAT prep practice. This page provides exactly that. To check out about 1000 CAT Level questions with detailed video solutions for free, go here: CAT Question Bank
Ms. Vineeta Lama, a respected figure in the small town of Jampur, found herself stranded on the road, once again, when her old small hatchback car broke down. Finding herself alone on the deserted road with no one to help, Vineeta, in desperation called Shyam Saigal, the General Manager of Balaji Motors − the only dealership in Jampur that sells Diplomatico cars, the brand that Vineeta drives. Vineeta knew Shyam from her frequent visits for getting her hatchback car serviced. Surprisingly, he arrived within fifteen minutes, accompanied by a mechanic from his dealership. Further, he arranged for the vehicle to be towed and kindly offered Vineeta a ride home. On the way back, he advised Vineeta to exchange her old car with a new Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) on a good discount from his dealership. He assured her that he would add several additional services to ensure her SUV remained in excellent condition for many years ahead.
Question 12 : Three months passed. While returning from a friend’s house, Vineeta’s new SUV was hit by
another car. Fortunately, she was not injured, but the SUV was badly damaged.
Surprisingly, when Vineeta took the car for repairs to Balaji Motors, she was told that
the repairs would not cost her anything as the extended warranty on her car covered such
accidents. Vineeta could not recall purchasing such a warranty; hence, she contacted
Shyam. Shyam informed her that the extended warranty was mistakenly punched into her
contract by an executive. As this mistake could not be reversed due to the company’s
rigid policies, Shyam bore the cost of Rs. 19,000. He further added that Vineeta should
consider it a gift from Balaji Motors for purchasing the highest-priced Diplomatico
As Vineeta rode back home, she wondered if she should pay Rs. 19,000 to
Shyam since the extended warranty came to her aid that day.
Which of the
following is the MOST compelling rationale for Vineeta to justify not paying Rs.
19,000 to Shyam?
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