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Read the following scenario and answer the THREE questions that follow.
Kasta, a small industrial town hosted a steel plant and its
associated ancillary companies. Most of its residents were steel plant employees from
different states of the country. While the town offered employment opportunities, it lacked
an airport. For those wanting to fly, the nearest airport was in Michaelganj, 100 kms from
Kasta. To reach the airport, people rented taxi services available at Kasta, and Prabhu was
one such taxi-service provider.
Prabhu’s rates were reasonable — a trip to airport
cost Rs. 2200, but for a round trip, the fare was Rs. 3000. Yet, it was not just the
affordability that made him popular, his reputation for punctuality and reliability was
unmatched. When it came to ensuring the safety of women travelling alone, he would always be
the first choice. Such was his trustworthiness that even the steel plant would solicit his
services when expecting solo female visitors. Moreover, whenever residents encountered
issues with their personal cars, they would turn to Prabhu for help.
However, the
world shifted when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Travel restrictions and safety concerns
limited Prabhu’s trips to Michaelganj for over a year and a half. Financial strain followed,
with accumulating interest on his home loan. He was weighed down by debt, but things
improved once COVID-19 travel restrictions were lifted. Having faced financial hardships
during COVID-19, he sought to offset his losses by raising the fare. Yet, he was aware of
the stiff competition in town, where many others offered services at a similar fare as his.
Question 14 : After Prabhu increased his charges by 30%, the revenue flow was promising in the
beginning, especially from the steel plant’s official trips. After a few months, he
noticed a dip in private bookings. On exploring further, Prabhu realized that while
women travelling solo still preferred Prabhu’s service, some of his regular customers
were choosing his competitors when travelling as a family. However, he knew that his
competitors, while charging lower than him, were still tardy and sometimes cancelled at
the last minute.
Which of the following options will BEST help Prabhu to
retain his revenue flow?
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