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Read the following statement carefully.
___________like a fake can
be a
sign of___________, and clinging too tightly to what feels like one’s
authentic self can
________that growth.
Fill in the blanks meaningfully, in the above
from the following options.
Option A is the best fit for the blanks as it logically and grammatically
completes the sentence while maintaining a clear, meaningful flow.
Feeling like a fake can be a sign of growth, and clinging too tightly to what
feels like one’s authentic self can hinder that growth. This statement conveys
that sometimes, feeling out of place or like you’re not being true to yourself
can be a sign that you’re growing and evolving. However, if you cling too
tightly to your current sense of self, it could prevent you from embracing
that growth. This option fills in the blanks while maintaining the sentence’s
grammatical structure and logical coherence.
Option E may seem like a good fit but from a grammatical perspective, the
phrase “behaving like a fake” is not a common phrase, and it doesn’t quite
convey a clear meaning. Also, the second part of the sentence suggests that
clinging to one’s authentic self can “support” growth. However, in the context
of the sentence, this seems contradictory. If behaving like a fake is a sign
of improvement, then clinging to one’s authentic self would more likely hinder
than support this improvement.
All the other choices, involving actions such as acting, performing, or
operating like a fake, are not coherent. Furthermore, they either contradict
each other or don’t fit the context of personal growth.
Choice A is the correct answer.
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