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Read the following paragraphs and answer the question that follows.
Paragraph 1:
Here are some handy rules of thumb. Anyone who
calls themselves a thought leader is to be avoided. A man who does not wear socks cannot
be trusted. And a company that holds an employee-appreciation day does not appreciate
its employees.
Paragraph 2:
It is not just that the message sent by
acknowledging staff for one out of 260-odd working days is a bit of a giveaway (there
isn’t a love-your-spouse day ... for the same reason). It is also that the ideas are
usually so tragically unappreciative. You have worked hard all year so you get a slice
of cold pizza or a rock stamped with the words “You rock”?
Which of the
following BEST describes the relationship of the first paragraph with the second
In the first paragraph, the author introduces intriguing and somewhat humorous rules of thumb, such as avoiding self-proclaimed thought leaders and distrusting sockless men. These rules spark the reader’s curiosity and create interest. The second paragraph expands upon the topic, providing a more detailed criticism of employee appreciation days and their lack of genuine appreciation. Therefore, the second paragraph elaborates on the initial interest generated by the first paragraph. Thus, the first paragraph evokes interest, the second paragraph elaborates.
Choice B is the correct answer.
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