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Read the following passage and answer the THREE questions that
one argues that the rich should be rich because they were born to wealthy
Critics of inequality may complain that those who would abolish inheritance
taxes, say,
are implicitly endorsing hereditary privilege. But no one defends hereditary
outright or disputes the principle that careers should be open to talents.
Most of our debates about access to jobs, education, and public office proceed
from the
premise of equal opportunity. Our disagreements are less about the principle
itself than
about what it requires. For example, critics of affirmative action in hiring
and college
admissions argue that such policies are inconsistent with equality of
because they judge applicants on factors other than merit. Defenders of
action reply that such policies are necessary to make equality of opportunity
a reality
for members of groups that have suffered discrimination or disadvantage.
At the level of principle at least, and political rhetoric, meritocracy has
won the day.
In democracies throughout the world, politicians of the center-left and
claim that their policies are the ones that will enable all citizens, whatever
race or ethnicity, gender or class, to compete on equal terms and to rise as
far as
their efforts and talents will take them. When people complain about
meritocracy, the
complaint is usually not about the ideal but about our failure to live up to
it: The
wealthy and powerful have rigged the system to perpetuate their privilege; the
professional classes have figured out how to pass their advantages on to their
converting the meritocracy into a hereditary aristocracy; colleges that claim
to select
students on merit give an edge to the sons and daughters of the wealthy and
well-connected. According to this complaint, meritocracy is a myth, a distant
yet to be redeemed.
Based on the passage, which of the following
CANNOT be drawn?
Coming Soon...
Choice A is the correct answer.
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