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Read the following passage and answer the THREE questions that
… Work, for many on the career track, is greedy. The
individual who
puts in overtime, weekend time, or evening time will earn a lot more—so much
more that, even
on an hourly basis, the person is earning more.
…The greediness of work means that couples with children or other care
would gain by doing a bit of specialization. This specialization doesn’t mean
back to the world of Leave It to Beaver. Women will still pursue demanding
careers. But one
member of the couple will be on call at home, ready to leave the office or
workplace at a
moment’s notice. That person will have a position with considerable
flexibility and will
ordinarily not be expected to answer an e-mail or a call at ten p.m. That
parent will not
have to cancel an appearance at soccer practice for an M&A. The other parent,
however, will
be on call at work and do just the opposite. The potential impact on
promotion, advancement,
and earnings is obvious. The work of professionals and managers has always
been greedy.
Lawyers have always burned the midnight oil. Academics have always been judged
for their
cerebral output and are expected not to turn their brains off in the evenings.
Most doctors
and veterinarians were once on call 24/7. The value of greedy jobs has greatly
with rising income inequality, which has soared since the early 1980s.
Earnings at the very
upper end of the income distribution have ballooned. The worker who jumps the
highest gets
an ever-bigger reward. The jobs with the greatest demands for long hours and
the least
flexibility have paid disproportionately more, while earnings in other
employments have
stagnated. Thus, positions that have been more difficult for women to enter in
the first
place, such as those in finance, are precisely the ones that have seen the
increases in income in the last several decades. The private equity associate
who sees the
deal through from beginning to end, who did the difficult modeling, and who
went to every
meeting and late-night dinner, will have maximum chance for a big bonus and
the sought-after
promotion. Rising inequality in earnings may be one important reason why the
gender pay gap
among college graduates has remained flat in the last several decades, despite
in women’s credentials and positions. It may be the reason why the gender
earnings gap for
college graduates became larger than that between men and women in the entire
population in
the late 1980s and early 1990s. Women have been swimming upstream, holding
their own but
going against a strong current of endemic income inequality. Greedy work also
means that
couple equity has been, and will continue to be, jettisoned for increased
family income. And
when couple equity is thrown out the window, gender equality generally goes
with it, except
among same-sex unions. Gender norms that we have inherited get reinforced in a
host of ways
to allot more of the childcare responsibility to mothers, and more of the
family care to
grown daughters.
Which of the following about greedy work is CORRECT, as per the passage?
Coming Soon...
Choice E is the correct answer.
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