CAT 2019 Question Paper | Quants Slot 1

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT Quants Questions | Question 18

A very straightforward arithmetic question similar to the ones we have seen in previous yearsโ€™ CAT papers. It primarily involves being comfortable with Percentages. Good diligence will ensure accuracy in these questions. Solving several similar questions from CAT previous year paper as part of your CAT preparation will help you quickly solve this question & put it in your bag.

Question 18 : The income of Amala is 20% more than that of Bimala and 20% less than that of Kamala. If Kamala's income goes down by 4% and Bimala's goes up by 10%, then the percentage by which Kamala's income would exceed Bimala's is nearest to

  1. 28
  2. 29
  3. 31
  4. 32

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Explanatory Answer

Let Bimala's income be B. Amala's income is 20% more than B.
So, A = 1.2 B
Similarly, Amala's income is 20% less than that of Kamala.
A= 0.8K
Therefore, 1.2B = 0.8K (or) K = B
Now, Bimala's new income goes up by 10% = 1.1B
Kamala's income goes down by 4%
4% (1.5B) = 0.06B
Therefore, Kamala's new income is = 1.5B - 0.06B = 1.44B
So, K = 1.44B and B = 1.1 B
Percentage change = 0.34 B = x 100 = 31%

The question is "The income of Amala is 20% more than that of Bimala and 20% less than that of Kamala. If Kamala's income goes down by 4% and Bimala's goes up by 10%, then the percentage by which Kamala's income would exceed Bimala's is nearest to"

Hence, the answer is 31

Choice C is the correct answer.


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