CAT 2019 Question Paper | Quants Slot 1

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT Quants Questions | Question 6

This is probably amongst the easier questions in the CAT 2019 question paper. A very simple Percentages question that can probably be cracked without any preparation. The key thing really is to ensure that you attempt this question. The ability to pick out such easy ones with a glance comes from raw practice and test taking which play a vital role in your CAT Preparationjourney.

Question 6 : Meena scores 40% in an examination and after review, even though her score is increased by 50%, she fails by 35 marks. If her post-review score is increased by 20%, she will have 7 marks more than the passing score. The percentage score needed for passing the examination is

  1. 75
  2. 80
  3. 60
  4. 70

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Explanatory Answer

Meena scores 40 % in an exam
After review, she scores 50 % more => Increase of 50 % from 40 % = 40% + 20% = 60%
She fails by 35 marks, by scoring 60%
60% score = Pass mark - 35 ----- (1)
If her post review score is increased by 20%, she would have 7 more than the pass mark.
20% of 60% = 12 %
So, 60% + 12% = 72% of marks = Pass mark + 7 ------ (2)
So, 12% marks = 35 + 7 (5: 1 ratio)
So, similarly 12% can be re written as 10 % and 2 % (maintaining the 5:1 ratio)
Hence the pass percentage = 60 % + 10 % = 70%
Pass percentage = 72 % - 2 % = 70%

The question is "Meena scores 40% in an examination and after review, even though her score is increased by 50%, she fails by 35 marks. If her post-review score is increased by 20%, she will have 7 marks more than the passing score. The percentage score needed for passing the examination is"

Hence, the answer is 70

Choice D is the correct answer.


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