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The passage below is accompanied by four questions. Based on the passage, choose
the best answer for each question.
Over the past four centuries liberalism has been
so successful that it has driven all its opponents off the battlefield. Now it is
disintegrating, destroyed by a mix of hubris and internal contradictions, according to Patrick
Deneen, a professor of politics at the University of Notre Dame. . . . Equality of opportunity
has produced a new meritocratic aristocracy that has all the aloofness of the old aristocracy
with none of its sense of noblesse oblige. Democracy has degenerated into a theatre of the
absurd. And technological advances are reducing ever more areas of work into meaningless
drudgery. "The gap between liberalism's claims about itself and the lived reality of the
citizenry" is now so wide that "the lie can no longer be accepted," Mr Deneen writes. What
better proof of this than the vision of 1,000 private planes whisking their occupants to Davos
to discuss the question of "creating a shared future in a fragmented world"? . . .
Deneen does an impressive job of capturing the current mood of disillusionment,
echoing left-wing complaints about rampant commercialism, right-wing complaints about
narcissistic and bullying students, and general worries about atomisation and selfishness. But
when he concludes that all this adds up to a failure of liberalism, is his argument convincing?
. . . He argues that the essence of liberalism lies in freeing individuals from constraints. In
fact, liberalism contains a wide range of intellectual traditions which provide different
answers to the question of how to trade off the relative claims of rights and responsibilities,
individual expression and social ties. . . . liberals experimented with a range of ideas from
devolving power from the centre to creating national education systems.
Mr Deneen's
fixation on the essence of liberalism leads to the second big problem of his book: his failure
to recognise liberalism's ability to reform itself and address its internal problems. The late
19th century saw America suffering from many of the problems that are reappearing
today, including the creation of a business aristocracy, the rise of vast companies, the
corruption of politics and the sense that society was dividing into winners and losers. But a
wide variety of reformers, working within the liberal tradition, tackled these problems head on.
Theodore Roosevelt took on the trusts. Progressives cleaned up government corruption. University
reformers modernised academic syllabuses and built ladders of opportunity. Rather than dying,
liberalism reformed itself.
Mr Deneen is right to point out that the record of
liberalism in recent years has been dismal. He is also right to assert that the world has much
to learn from the premodern notions of liberty as self-mastery and self-denial. The biggest
enemy of liberalism is not so much atomisation but old-fashioned greed, as members of the Davos
elite pile their plates ever higher with perks and share options. But he is wrong to argue that
the only way for people to liberate themselves from the contradictions of liberalism is
"liberation from liberalism itself". The best way to read "Why Liberalism Failed" is not as a
funeral oration but as a call to action: up your game, or else.
Question 5 : The author of the passage faults Deneen's conclusions for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:
In considering whether Deneen's argument on liberalism is convincing, the author
points out Deneen's narrow definition of liberalism is limited to individual freedoms: ' He
argues that the essence of liberalism lies in freeing individuals from constraints. In fact,
liberalism contains a wide range of intellectual traditions which provide different answers to
the question of how to trade off the relative claims of rights and responsibilities, individual
expression and social ties..'
The author also says Deneen fails to recognise
liberalism's ability to reform itself: 'Mr Deneen's fixation on the essence of liberalism leads
to the second big problem of his book: his failure to recognise liberalism's ability to reform
itself and address its internal problems.'
Finally, in the last two lines of the
passage, the author states Deneen is wrong in his extreme pessimism about the future of
Options B, C and D are true.
The author does not say that Deneen
harks back to premodern notions of liberty. So, option A is the correct answer choice.
The question is " The author of the passage faults Deneen's conclusions for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT: "
Choice A is the correct answer.
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