IPMAT Question Paper 2023 | IPM Indore Verbal

IPMAT Sample Paper | IPMAT Question Paper | Question 32

IPMAT 2023 Question Paper IPM Indore Verbal Ability. Solve questions from IPMAT 2023 Question Paper from IPM Indore and check the solutions to get adequate practice. The best way to ace IPMAT is by solving IPMAT Question Paper. To solve other IPMAT Sample papers, go here: IPM Sample Paper

Question 32 : The culture of the 21st century – on an increasingly ___________ scale – is oriented around the practical principles of utility, effectiveness, and impact. Things are good to the extent that they are instrumental, with instrumentality usually defined as the capacity to produce money or things. The worth of anything – an idea, an activity, an artwork, a with another person – is determined _______________.

  1. global; relationship; pragmatically
  2. nominal; dinner; meaningfully
  3. conspicuous; dialogue; diligently
  4. ordinal; conversation; imaginatively

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Explanatory Answer

Option 1: The passage discusses modern culture's focus on utility, effectiveness, and impact, with value being judged based on practical benefits like money or productivity. global: Fits because the passage refers to the 21st-century culture on an increasingly large scale, meaning worldwide. relationship: Makes sense in the context of evaluating things based on utility and impact, including human relationships. pragmatically: Means in a practical and results-oriented way, which aligns with the passage's theme of valuing things for their usefulness.
Option 2: Nominal (existing in name only) does not fit, and dinner is unrelated to evaluating worth.
Option 3: Conspicuous (standing out) does not fit, and diligently does not describe how worth is determined.
Option 4: Ordinal (related to order/rank) does not fit, and imaginatively contradicts the practical theme of the passage.

Hence, the answer is 'global; relationship; pragmatically'

Choice A is the correct answer.


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