IPMAT Question Paper 2023 | IPM Indore Verbal

IPMAT Sample Paper | IPMAT Question Paper | Question 45

IPMAT 2023 Question Paper IPM Indore Verbal Ability. Solve questions from IPMAT 2023 Question Paper from IPM Indore and check the solutions to get adequate practice. The best way to ace IPMAT is by solving IPMAT Question Paper. To solve other IPMAT Sample papers, go here: IPM Sample Paper

Question 45 : The sentences given below, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the most logical order and enter the sequence of numbers in the space provided. Only numbers are to be entered in the space provided for the answer, and no letters, characters, or spaces should be entered. For example, a response such as 3412 is valid, and responses such as 3412. or 3 41 2 are invalid.
1. This instance highlights how young people from different backgrounds can make important contributions to climate change.
2. Participation in environmental education programmes can motivate children to act responsibly towards the environment.
3. They were motivated to act in ways that would help the environment, like using a reusable water bottle or refusing to use plastic straws.
4. Six hundred elementary school children from varied social and linguistic groups participated in an ocean pollution education programme.

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Explanatory Answer

The correct sequence is 2431.
(2) introduces the general premise: environmental education motivates children to act responsibly. This sets the thematic foundation for the paragraph.
(4) follows with a specific example: 600 children from diverse groups participating in an ocean pollution program. This illustrates the premise from Sentence 2.
(3) details the actions taken by these children (e.g., reusable bottles, avoiding plastic straws), directly linking to their motivation mentioned in Sentence 2.
(1) concludes by highlighting the broader significance of their contributions, tying back to the diversity noted in Sentence 4.

The answer is '2431'


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