IPMAT 2023 Question Paper IPM Indore Verbal Ability. Solve questions from IPMAT 2023 Question Paper from IPM Indore and check the solutions to get adequate practice. The best way to ace IPMAT is by solving IPMAT Question Paper. To solve other IPMAT Sample papers, go here: IPM Sample Paper
Question 44 : The sentences given below, when properly sequenced,
form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with
a number. Decide on the most logical order and enter the
sequence of numbers in the space provided. Only
numbers are to be entered in the space provided for the
answer, and no letters, characters, or spaces should be
entered. For example, a response such as 3412 is valid,
and responses such as 3412. or 3 41 2 are invalid.
1. Once they reach a high altitude, they manage to
travel all over the world.
2. An expert from the team explained that the
bacteria usually lived on the surface of vegetation,
such as leaves.
3. The wind carries them off the surface and into the
4. A group of researchers were surprised to find
that clouds had carried drug resistant bacteria
over a long distance
The correct sequence is 4231.
(4) introduces the central discovery: researchers finding drug-resistant bacteria transported by clouds.
This sets the context and serves as the logical starting point.
(2) follows, providing background from an expert about the bacteria’s natural habitat (vegetation). This
explains where the bacteria originated before being transported.
(3) describes the mechanism of transport: wind lifting bacteria into the atmosphere. This directly connects
to the prior sentence, explaining how they move from vegetation to the sky.
(1) concludes by detailing the consequence: once airborne at high altitudes, bacteria spread globally. This
completes the cause-effect chain.
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