. CAT 2018 Question Paper - CAT Speed Time Distance Questions, 2IIM CAT 2024 Online Classes for CAT, Best CAT coaching in Chennai | 2IIM Online CAT Preparation

CAT 2018 Question Paper | Quants Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT Speed Time Distance Questions | Question 17

This is a very simple problem taken from CAT 2018 Question Paper that tests your knowldge on Speed, Time and Distance and combines a tinge of basic Algebra! These type of questions occurs very often in the CAT Exam and it is needless to say that you have to master Speed, Time and Distanceโ€™s concepts along with other Arithmetic concepts to get through. Give this question a shot and then check out the video explanation for the same.

Question 17 : On a long stretch of east-west road, A and B are two points such that B is 350 km west of A. One car starts from A and another from B at the same time. If they move towards each other, then they meet after 1 hour. If they both move towards east, then they meet in 7 hrs. The difference between their speeds, in km per hour, is [TITA]

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Speed Time Distance
CAT 2018 Question Paper Quants Slot 2 Speed Time Distance

Given that A and B are two points such that B is 350 km west of A. One car starts from A and another from B at the same time.
They meet after one hour or their relative velocity is (a + b)km/hr and their relative distance is 350kms
a + b = \\frac{350}{1}) which is equal to 350 kms/hr

CAT 2018 Question Paper Quants Slot 2 Speed Time Distance

If they both move towards east, then they meet in 7 hrs.
We have to find the difference between their speeds, in km per hour. B is catching upon A, so once again their relative distance will be 350kms.
Relative speed = b โ€“ a , B travels faster so that it can meet a.
โŸน \\frac{350}{b โˆ’ a}) = 7
โŸน b - a = 50 km/hr
We know that b + a = 350 km/hr
By this we can find the values of a and b but they have asked for only the difference between their speeds which is b โ€“ a = 50km/hr

The question is "On a long stretch of east-west road, A and B are two points such that B is 350 km west of A. One car starts from A and another from B at the same time. If they move towards each other, then they meet after 1 hour. If they both move towards east, then they meet in 7 hrs. The difference between their speeds, in km per hour, is [TITA]"

Hence, the answer is 50 km/hr


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