XAT 2022 Question Paper | Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT VALR Questions | Question 10

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Question 10 : Read the passage carefully and answer the following question.

One theory of accidents is what experts call the Swiss Cheese model. A slab of Swiss cheese has several holes, randomly and unevenly distributed over its surface. If several slabs are stacked together, it would be impossible for something to slip through unless all the holes happen to line up.
If even one slab doesn't align, the impending catastrophe will meet a layer of resistance, and the worst is averted. Aviation professionals will tell you that plane crashes never happen for a single reason. There may be an identifiable primary factor, but it's usually a chain of events, an array of circumstances neatly piling up.

Which of the following statements can be BEST concluded from the passage?

  1. Averting catastrophe is actually easier than it seems
  2. A catastrophe can be averted if the preceding array of events meets resistance
  3. Accidents cannot be averted since a chain of events have to be averted to avert accidents
  4. Any historically relevant event is an accident because it involves a chain of preceding events
  5. Any disaster is a culmination of many events happening in a particular order

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Explanatory Answer

The main idea of the paragraph is that only when an array of circumstances pile up like holes in a slab of Swiss cheese lining up, disasters happen. If an impending catastrophe meets even one layer of resistance, the worst is averted. Option B sums up this idea.

The answer is 'A catastrophe can be averted if the preceding array of events meets resistance'

Choice B is the correct answer.

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