XAT 2022 Question Paper | Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

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Question 9 : Read the passage carefully and answer the following question.

Labouring is simply what we do to survive. We labour to eat. To keep our bodies healthy. To keep roof over our heads, and to keep life reproducing. All animals labour, with or without coaxing.... There's nothing special about labour, save for the fact that without it we would die.
Work, on the other hand, gives collective meaning to what we do. When we work to produce something we both put something into and leave something lasting in the world: a table, a house, a book, a car, a rug, a high precision piece of engineering with which we can order the days into time, or keep a body breathing.

Which of the following statements can be BEST concluded from the passage?

  1. Doing what is asked of a role is labour, while going beyond the role is work
  2. Terrace gardening is labour, while producing a vaccine is work
  3. To be healthy needs labour, while making others healthy is work
  4. Labour enables us to survive while work makes survival meaningful
  5. Unacknowledged work is labour, while acknowledgement makes it work

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Explanatory Answer

The main idea of the paragraph is that labour is what we do to survive while work is different; work gives meaning to what we do. Option D sums up the main idea and is hence the correct choice.
The paragraph does not say that labour is about doing what is asked of a role. So, option A is incorrect. Option B gives terrace gardening as an example of labour. This is incorrect, as terrace gardening is not something that is done for survival. Options C and E talk about health and acknowledgment respectively. These ideas are not mentioned in the paragraph.

The answer is 'Labour enables us to survive while work makes survival meaningful'

Choice D is the correct answer.

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