XAT 2022 Question Paper | Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT VALR Questions | Question 11

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Question 11 : Read the excerpt carefully and answer the following question.

The over-whelming preponderance of people have not freely decided what to believe, but, rather, have been socially conditioned (indoctrinated) into their beliefs. They are unreflective thinkers.

Which of the following statements CANNOT be concluded from the excerpt?

  1. Things that we do automatically need to be reflected upon
  2. The inability to criticize one's belief leads to indoctrination
  3. A lot of people end up believing what they passionately oppose
  4. Beliefs that appear normal and natural heighten their acceptance
  5. A normal thinker finds it difficult to recognize what is happening to them

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Explanatory Answer

The given lines state that a vast majority of people are socially conditioned/indoctrinated into their beliefs. They do not form their own beliefs and are not capable of reflection. There is no mention here of what people "passionately oppose", so C can definitely not be concluded from the excerpt.

The answer is 'A lot of people end up believing what they passionately oppose'

Choice C is the correct answer.

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