XAT 2022 Question Paper | Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT VALR Questions | Question 14

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Read the passage carefully and answer the THREE questions that follow.

Stupidity is a very specific cognitive failing. Crudely put, it occurs when you don't have the right conceptual tools for the job. The result is an inability to make sense of what is happening and a resulting tendency to force phenomena into crude, distorting pigeonholes.

This is easiest to introduce with a tragic case. British high command during the First World War frequently understood trench warfare using concepts and strategies from the cavalry battles of their youth. As one of Field Marshal Douglas Haig's subordinates later remarked, they thought of the trenches as 'mobile operations at the halt': i.e., as fluid battle lines with the simple caveat that nothing in fact budged for years. Unsurprisingly, this did not serve them well in formulating a strategy: they were hampered, beyond the shortage of material resources, by a kind of 'conceptual obsolescence', a failure to update their cognitive tools to fit the task in hand. In at least some cases, intelligence actively abets stupidity by allowing pernicious rationalisation.

Stupidity will often arise in cases like this, when an outdated conceptual framework is forced into service, mangling the user's grip on some new phenomenon. It is important to distinguish this from mere error. We make mistakes for all kinds of reasons. Stupidity is rather one specific and stubborn cause of error. Historically, philosophers have worried a great deal about the irrationality of not taking the available means to achieve goals: Tom wants to get fit, yet his running shoes are quietly gathering dust. The stock solution to Tom's quandary is simple willpower. Stupidity is very different from this. It is rather a lack of the necessary means, a lack of the necessary intellectual equipment. Combatting it will typically require not brute willpower but the construction of a new way of seeing our self and our world. Such stupidity is perfectly compatible with intelligence: Haig was by any standard a smart man.

Question 14 : Based on the passage, which of the following can BEST help a leader avoid stupidity?

  1. Be ready to discuss with everyone before taking a decision
  2. Being aware that we must handle future with a different cognitive tool
  3. Being aware that our current answers are only applicable to the current context
  4. Being aware that we are short of the required resources
  5. Be cautious in taking a decision until the future unfolds

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Explanatory Answer

To combat stupidity, according to the passage what is needed is "the construction of a new way of seeing ourselves and our world." So, to avoid stupidity a leader must be aware that current answers are only applicable to the current content and that they must not be force-fit into crude pigeonholes.

The question is " Based on the passage, which of the following can BEST help a leader avoid stupidity? "

Hence, the answer is 'Being aware that our current answers are only applicable to the current context'

Choice C is the correct answer.

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