XAT 2022 Question Paper | Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning

XAT Previous Year Paper | XAT VALR Questions | Question 24

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Read the passage carefully and answer the THREE questions that follow.

What does a good life look like to you? For some, the phrase may conjure up images of a close-knit family, a steady job, and a Victorian house at the end of a street arched with oak trees. Others may focus on the goal of making a difference in the world, whether by working as a nurse or teacher, volunteering, or pouring their energy into environmental activism. According to Aristotlean theory, the first kind of life would be classified as 'hedonic'-one based on pleasure, comfort, stability, and strong social relationships. The second is 'eudaimonic,' primarily concerned with the sense of purpose and fulfilment one gets by contributing to the greater good. The ancient Greek philosopher outlined these ideas in his treatise Nicomachean Ethics, and the psychological sciences have pretty much stuck them ever since when discussing the possibilities of what people might want out of their time on Earth. But a new paper, published in the American Psychological Association's Psychological Review, suggests there's another way to live a good life. It isn't focused on happiness or purpose, but rather it's a life that's 'psychologically rich.'

What is a psychologically rich life? According to authors Shige Oishi, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, and Erin Westgate, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Florida, it's one characterized by 'interesting experiences in which novelty and/or complexity are accompanied by profound changes in perspective.'

Studying abroad, for example, is one way that college students often introduce psychological richness into their lives. As they learn more about a new country's customs and history, they're often prompted to reconsider the social mores of their own cultures. Deciding to embark on a difficult new career path or immersing one's self in avant-garde art (the paper gives a specific shout-out to James Joyce's Ulysses) also could make a person feel as if their life is more psychologically rich.

Crucially, an experience doesn't have to be fun in order to qualify as psychologically enriching. It might even be a hardship. Living through war or a natural disaster might make it hard to feel as though you're living a particularly happy or purposeful life, but you can still come out of the experience with psychological richness. Or you might encounter less dramatic but nonetheless painful events: infertility, chronic illness, unemployment. Regardless of the specifics, you may experience suffering but still find value in how your experience shapes your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

Question 24 : Which of the following statements BEST contrasts Hedonic from Eudaimonic?

  1. Hedonic focuses on what gives pleasure to self, while Eudaimonic focuses on what he/she believes benefits the society
  2. Hedonic focuses on the emptiness from seeking pleasure, while Eudaimonic focuses on the fulfilment by giving pleasure to others
  3. Hedonic focuses on pleasure to self while Eudaimonic focuses on pleasure to the other
  4. Hedonic believes in seeking pleasure while Eudaimonic focuses on depriving oneself of pleasure
  5. Hedonic believes that pleasure leads to fulfilment while Eudaimonic believes that fulfilment leads to pleasure

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Explanatory Answer

Note the lines: "According to Aristotlean theory, the first kind of life would be classified as “hedonic”—one based on pleasure, comfort, stability, and strong social relationships. The second is
“eudaimonic,” is primarily concerned with the sense of purpose and fulfilment one gets by
contributing to the greater good.”

The question is " Which of the following statements BEST contrasts Hedonic from Eudaimonic? "

Hence, the answer is 'Hedonic focuses on what gives pleasure to self, while Eudaimonic focuses on what he/she believes benefits the society'

Choice A is the correct answer.

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