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Read the passage carefully and answer the THREE questions that follow.
What Arendt does for us is to remind us that our 'publicness' is as important to our flourishing as our sociability and our privacy. She draws a distinction between what it means to act 'socially' and what is means to act 'politically.' The social realm for Arendt is both the context where all our basic survival needs 'are permitted to appear in public' and also the realm of 'behaviour.' One of the things she fears about modern societies is that society - focused on how we behave and what we will permit for ourselves and others - becomes the realm of conformism. This is worrying not just because we don't really get vibrant societies out of conformism and sameness, but also, Arendt says because there is a risk that we think this is all there is to our living together. We lose ourselves in the tasks of managing behaviour and forget that our true public task is to act, and to distinguish ourselves in doing so. The risk, says Arendt, is therefore that we confuse behaviour with action, that in modern liberal societies 'behaviour replaces action as the foremost mode of human relationship.' This confusion can happen in any area of our modern lives and institutions, secular or faith-based. None is immune.
Arendt wants to drive home the point that the healthy public life requires that we do not just see ourselves as social actors but also as fully public persons, committed to judging and acting as members of a common world we want to inhabit and pass on. Arendt tells us that public action is action in which we stand out, are individuated, become in some way excellent in a manner that is of service to others and a greater good. This is the space where we take risks, subject our common life to scrutiny, seek justice (that sometimes requires us to transgress what seem like accepted laws) in order to be increasingly open to the claims and needs of other humans - ones who are not our household and our kin.
Question 16 : Based on the passage, which of the following options BEST describes 'public action'?
According to the passage, public action is action in which we "subject our common life to scrutiny, seek justice (that sometimes requires us to transgress what seem like accepted laws) in order to be increasingly open to the claims and needs of other humans". So, option D is the correct choice.
The question is " Based on the passage, which of the following options BEST describes 'public action'? "
Choice D is the correct answer.
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