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CAT 2017 Question Paper | Quants Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT Speed Time Distance Questions | Question 12

One of the crucial elements of your online preparation for CAT is solving questions. What better than starting right with CAT previous year paper and understanding the pattern and difficulty level of questions ? Kickstart your CAT preparation online with CAT 2017 question paper from Slot 2 and work towards nailing your CAT Question Paper for this year.
Go ahead and solve the below question from Time Speed Distance. Find more question on the topic by visiting 2IIM's Question Bank.

Question 12 : A motorbike leaves point A at 1 pm and moves towards point B at a uniform speed. A car leaves point B at 2 pm and moves towards point A at a uniform speed which is double that of the motorbike. They meet at 3:40 pm at a point which is 168 km away from A. What is the distance, in km, between A and B ?

  1. 364
  2. 378
  3. 380
  4. 388

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Speed Time Distance
CAT 2017 Question Paper Quants Slot 2 Speed Time Distance

Given that motorbike leaves point A at 1 pm and moves towards point B.
Car leaves at point B at 2 pm and moves towards point A where the speed is equal to double that of motor bike.
Both meet at 3.40 pm at a point which is 168 km away from A
Bike travelled from 1 to 3:40 pm = 83 hrs at a speed of x
Car travelled from 2 to 3:40 pm = 53 hrs at a speed of 2x
83 ร— x = 168
53 ร— 2x = ?
This is in the ratio 8 : 10 = 168 : ?
โŸน 4 : 5 = 168 : ?
โŸน 168ร—58 = 210
CAT 2017 Question Paper Quants Slot 2 Speed Time Distance
A : B = 4 : 5 = 168 : 210
The distance, in km, between A and B is 168 + 210 = 378 kms

The question is "A motorbike leaves point A at 1 pm and moves towards point B at a uniform speed. A car leaves point B at 2 pm and moves towards point A at a uniform speed which is double that of the motorbike. They meet at 3:40 pm at a point which is 168 km away from A. What is the distance, in km, between A and B ?"

Hence, the answer is 378

Choice B is the correct answer


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