CAT 2017 Question Paper | Quants Slot 2

CAT Previous Year Paper | CAT Number Theory Questions | Question 21

You can generally solve a question in more than one ways. But which way to ideally follow so that you crack the question and simultaneously save your time ? Practising CAT previous year paper can help you answer this question and nail your Online CAT Preparation. Solve the below question from CAT 2017 Question Paper: Slot 2 and see which method you follow. Was your method correct ? Did Rajesh Sir solve it through a different and faster method ?
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Question 21 : If the product of three consecutive positive integers is 15600 then the sum of the squares of these integers is

  1. 1777
  2. 1785
  3. 1875
  4. 1877

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Number Theory

Given that the product of three consecutive positive integers is 15600 and we have to find the sum of the squares of the integers
As we have two zeroes in 15600 we should have some number ending in zero or in five
156 = 12 × 13
15600 = 12 × 13 × 100 = 12 × 13 × 25 × 4
15600 = 24 × 25 × 26
The product of n (n+1)(n+2) should have a multiple of 52
The sum of the squares of these integers 24 , 25 , 26 is
242 + 262 + 252 = 576 + 625 + 676
242 + 262 + 252 = 1877

The question is "If the product of three consecutive positive integers is 15600 then the sum of the squares of these integers is"

Hence, the answer is 1877

Choice D is the correct answer


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