Death and Rebirth of Europe
When you are doing the same thing over and over again, every day, there comes a time when this routine starts to feel mundane! No longer are you excited to spring out of bed and go through your routine for another day!
The same applies to CAT preparation as well. Doing the same set of things day in and day out may eventually shut you off! When your enthusiasm for preparation is replaced by the heavy feeling of somehow getting through the day, CAT Boredom is already in play.

The challenge here is to not give in to this boredom and aimlessly slog everyday but to attend to it and get back to your preparation with all the more enthusiasm and rigour.
Here are five suggestions which can help you with the same! Choose what works for you and spring back to your meticulous CAT preparation.
1. Take a break!
Break the monotony of doing the same things every day. Relax yourself. Breathe. It is okay to take a break and relieve the stress that is troubling you. Instead of following your routine, give yourself some extra rest for the day or keep your goals light on this day and try to slow down. This’ll help you throw yourself back into your rigorous CAT preparation schedule without the stress, next day.

2. Switch!
It is possible that you are not challenging yourself enough! You could be carrying out your preparation at the same level that you started with or amped up to the previous month. If you are comfortable in solving one level of questions, do not stay on that level. Amp up and challenge yourself to solve questions that are one notch difficult than the previous ones. Solve difficult puzzles. Go through 2IIM’s Question Bank and try your hands on the questions. The aim is to not let your mind get comfortable solving a particular type or level of questions. Keep increasing the intensity of your preparation over time.

3. Try a new routine!
Without putting in too much effort and time, try to make small changes in your routine, so that it feels fresh. Something as simple as switching the time of Quants, DILR and Reading or even breaking a long duration into two halves with 5-10 minute break in between can break the monotony of your daily preparation schedule and provide a fresh feel to it, pushing you out of your CAT preparation boredom.

4. Workout!
There is a correlation between cognitive performance and keeping your body active! Working out for half an hour, or simply going out for a walk will help you de-stress and get going with your preparation without feeling bored. Do some stretches, and check out some home workouts that get your blood pumping. Stay active!

5. Make time for your “Guilty Pleasure”!
All of us have our own guilty pleasures! Be it watching TV, playing video games, sleeping, baking or doing whatever that makes us happy. Take out time for your guilty pleasure in your daily schedule. Plan it in such a way that you remove the “guilty” out of your guilty pleasure, enjoying it to the fullest and simultaneously keeping up with your CAT preparation.

It is okay to take a break once in a while to breathe, relax and get the stress off your shoulders. But what’s important is that you take the break and GET BACK! Do not let this break extend far too long. Remember, consistency and perseverance are what will sail your boat!

Death and Rebirth of Europe
Cheers and Best Wishes for your CAT Preparation.
Vibhuti Sharma works with 2IIM as a Product head.
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