Death and Rebirth of Europe
Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad has released the official Common Admission Test (CAT) 2021 mock test link for enrolled candidates on the official website, iimcat.ac.in.
What is the surprise?

The mock test that has been uploaded on the website of IIMCAT is taken from CAT 2020 slot 1 question paper. In the official circular, they have mentioned that ‘The mock test contains selected questions from previous years’ Common Admission Test (CAT) papers, with an aim to familiarize the candidates with different types of questions generally asked in CAT (MCQs/ Non-MCQs) and the exam console‘.
Will the number of questions be reduced?

So many of you have been craving to know the answer to this question for a long time. This question became more of a million-dollar question. Wherever you went in the last couple of months, you always found a few disturbed souls discussing this conspiracy theory. So CAT-o-sapiens, In this circular nothing has been mentioned about the number of questions. So this mystery remains unsolved, and God only knows the answer to this question. In their own words “The objective of this CAT exam mock test is not to disclose the exam pattern for CAT 2021, and the actual exam may or may not contain a similar type or number of questions,” the official notice further read.
CAT 2021 exam is scheduled to be held on November 28 and the exam results are expected to be announced by the first week of January 2022.
How to access the official mock link test
- Click on mock test link available on the CAT 2021 official website.
- Insert your registration number and password and click on sign in
- Post login, click the F11 button and read through the “General Instructions for Candidate”
- Click on NEXT to move to the next page
- Read through “Other Important Instructions for Candidate”
- Click on the disclaimer check box on “Other Important Instructions for Candidate”
- Click on “I am ready to begin” to begin your mock test.
You may also like to watch this video where Bharathwaj talks about the best revision that you can deploy in the remaining 30 days to salvage your CAT preparation.
Best wishes for CAT 2021!!

Death and Rebirth of Europe
Abhishek Mukherjee works for 2IIM. Apart from solving interesting math questions he likes to eat biriyani and watch movies.
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