Hello everyone! We hope you’ve been preparing and learning with belief. 🙂 We at 2IIM have had a great run with this blog and our YouTube channel, thanks to you guys! Now, we have a new kid on the block … the 2IIM Instagram Page!
The 2IIM Instagram Page
We’ve been on instagram for quite some time now. Initially, we stayed one step away from Instagram because I was not that keen about it. But then I saw a bunch of pictures and memes that our team had come up with and I realised that I was acting like an old man. I certainly didn’t want that! 😛
So, we jumped in and we’ve been doing some wonderful stuff on Instagram. You can check out some of our content here!
Our Dilemma
The problem is, Instagram lets you do funnier, more brilliant and wonderful stuff such as the ‘swipe up links’, once you get to 10k followers. And right now, we’re about 8000 short…
This is why I have a request to make –
Please click on our Instagram Handle and then follow us, for no other reason apart from the fact that you like our blogs, YouTube channel and their content.
Right now, I’m not asking you to follow the 2IIM Instagram page on the merit of our Instagram content. Our content is already meaningful, but if you follow us and help us reach our milestone, we will make it worth your while on Instagram. I’m sure most of you are already on it!
Please like us on this platform so that you can see the wonderful stuff we’ve been putting up there. If you liked our YouTube content, you’ll love our Instagram content! The pressure to make the content into bite-sized chunks is high, and our team has really stepped up.
Here are a few samples of our memes! Swipe!
We need to be quicker, precise and concise because we’re catering to the 2020 attention span! 😛
So please do follow the 2IIM Instagram Page, here. It would be a huge help for us and it would help us have one more platform for us to reach out to the students and make sure the preparation journey is fun, engaging, entertaining, and exciting. The whole shebang!
It’s a vibrant, fun place to be and we don’t want to be NOT on it. (double negatives anyone?)
The 2IIM Instagram Handle: 2iimcatpreparation
Do follow us and go through our content!
Death and Rebirth of Europe
Many thanks, Stay Safe and Best Wishes for CAT!
Rajesh Balasubramanian takes the CAT every year and is a 4-time CAT 100 percentiler. He likes few things more than teaching Math and insists to this day that he is a better teacher than exam-taker.
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