How to Prepare for CAT from May?
The questions that plagues all CAT aspirants at the beginning of their prep: Do I have enough time? When do I start taking mocks? Starting CAT prep in the month of May allows for 6 months of learning and practicing. And if done right, these 6 months might just be enough to take you over the finishing line!
Thoroughly learning fundamentals is the key to crack any exam and CAT is no exception to this rule. Naturally, the first thing to do in CAT prep is to plunge headfirst into the basics of math, english, and logical reasoning. This phase of preparation will be dominated with efforts to tame the quant syllabus.

Starting preparation from May will give ample time to focus on getting familiar with the syllabus and the concepts that are tested often in the exam. Start taking one CAT mock per week from now and go through previous year CAT question papers. Remember, the purpose of taking these CAT mocks is not to discern the scoring capability but rather the end goal here is to get familiar with the test taking process. The timer, the user interface, and jumping from one question to another should not be an anxiety inducing endeavor by the end of these mocks.
Once familiar with the concepts, it is time now to get familiar with the questions and the process of solving them. Practice, practice, practice, and then practice some more. Continue taking CAT mocks, and gradually increase their frequency. Numbers should become your friends. By the time you’re done reading a puzzle, the solution should already start taking shape in your head.

Reading comprehensions should be enjoyable. Solving as many questions as possible, with a varying level of difficulty is the only secret to building your speed and accuracy. Timing the practice sessions is a must, and then analyzing the solutions once the timer is up will help you immensely.
Taking mocks is a necessity while preparing for CAT. Sign up for at least two different CAT mock and test series and treat every mock with equal seriousness. Lest you forget, taking a mock test is only half the battle. The other half is analyzing the test. Reflecting upon your test scores and identify your weak and strong areas. Train to improve your strengths. Simultaneously, focus on turning your Achilles heel into your Midas touch.

With 6 months to go, it is easy to fall into a false sense of security. “I have enough time, I can do this later!” or “If I learn this now I’ll forget it when the exam is near” become go to excuses for skipping a day of studying. It’s a trap!

Preparing for CAT from May can feel exhausting and sometimes it may appear that no progress has been made at all. But have faith in your preparation strategy. Plan and stick to that plan. Inculcate discipline, because when you reach the bottom of the motivation pit, discipline will replenish you.
Plan, Practice, Persevere!
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Cheers and Best wishes for your CAT 2022 folks!
Sharda Sharma is an avid reader and a whimsical writer. She aspires to write stories, make money, and retire by 60, not necessarily in that order.
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