Death and Rebirth of Europe
5 Tips to Handle CAT 2022 LRDI
For some of you CAT 2022 might be your first attempt. For some others CAT 2022 may be your second/ third/ fourth attempt. Wherever you are starting from, I have a hunch that this blog could relate with you and give you some practical ideas on how to approach the CAT 2022 LRDI section.
First off let me tell you that LRDI is like an unpredictable googly. A sure-shot way to crack LRDI Puzzles doesn’t exist. Sometimes, even seasoned test takers stifle and stagger.

Ideally, it can be cracked if you like thinking unconventionally. For some of you this might be an uncomfortable idea; but here is where I’d urge you to take a pause and introspect.
Isn’t independence from structured ways of thinking freedom? Think about it! You don’t have to depend on a method, worry about learning new concepts, rack your brains about memorizing formulae or follow something apart from your own mind.
While on one hand people have told me that LRDI is not in one’s hands; I’d say to myself “I have to be spontaneous, creative and quick. Shouldn’t that be in my control? If these aren’t, then something ain’t right.”

However, I also understood that it takes time to switch off from conventional ways of thinking to get tuned to one’s inner channels of analysis. We may or may not be wired to process big graphs, lots of numbers, and complex puzzles from the get go.
But there is always a first step, a baby step, to commence the CAT 2022 LRDI Journey.
Fire your neural networks and have FUN. In the initial stages of your preparation, solving puzzles for fun can work wonders. Instead of viewing a puzzle as a complex web of annoying information that “MUST BE SOLVED FOR MARKS”, you could make a conscious effort to just have a blast with it. Forget the timer in the month of March and April, and nudge towards it organically in the month of May/June.
1. How to Practice for CAT 2022 LRDI?
“How to Practice?” was a mind-boggling question that barely got answered during the initial phase of my (2021) preparation. It became very difficult to differentiate between a tough set, moderate set, and an easy puzzle (As though these bifurcations were watertight). But with time the understanding crept in and choosing sets became a little bit easier.
But, but, but… the next issue was to consistently choose the easy/ moderate ones first. Repeated mock attempts with appropriate analysis were the inevitable steps to get there.
It is usually advisable to identify 2/3 puzzles that you know is up your alley in every (most of them) mock that you take. Here is where QUESTION SELECTION plays a salient role in your preparation. This approach builds the skill to tackle a diverse range of problems with confidence. And, it goes without saying that, confidence, an attentive mind, and absolute focus is key for the CAT Exam.
2. The Next Hurdle
The Next Big Question was – What on earth should I solve to get better at unfamiliar sets?
I am not going to tell you to solve 400/ 500 sets before CAT to get better at LRDI. In fact, It’s a BIG NO! Solve as many as you can, but strictly Prioritise Quality Over Quantity!
The most important thing in CAT is the quality of Sets that are given to you on the D-Day. They are usually quite tricky and twisted. Ironically, because of the hullaballoo around this exam, even easy sets appear to be tricky.
That’s me when an easy set comes up in the exam.
3. Time Management
Is it impossible to crack them then? No, it is not. The question is not about solving a tough set, as much as cracking it within the given period. I know I have stated something cliché. Time is undoubtedly a factor that you are already aware of. So why tell you all this?
I am going to get a little philosophical here and say that “Time is Perception”. When you are expected to manage time, you are (actually) expected to manage your perception of how fast or slow time is clocking.
The problem usually arises when you ‘feel’ like 4 minutes have passed, whereas 10 minutes have gone by. This discrepancy hurls a test-taker in a frantic state, and it’s downhill from there.
It’s a subtle skill, but learning to adjust your perception of time, and aligning that with the clock is a very useful trait that can take you a long way.
4. A Super Crucial Tip for CAT 2022 LRDI
One thing that people underestimate in LRDI is the importance of comprehending the Stem and Conditions of Sets. Take for example one of the questions from CAT 2021 slot 2.

I began solving this question in doubt: and as expected, I got stuck with the placement of objects 1, 2 and 3. In hindsight I shouldn’t have gone ahead with the set because I couldn’t grasp the concept of mutual envy based on subjective value that each person gave to every object. However, because the conditions weren’t complicated, I thought it’s a doable one.
This taught me a super valuable lesson. That it is extremely important to comprehend the data given in the Stem and the Conditions that follow it. Even if 90% of the set can be understood, that 10% can be your undoing. So, don’t de-prioritise comprehension at any cost.
5. Create your own Puzzle
At a deeper level I was curious to know how a paper setter would create a puzzle. To fulfil this curiosity , I started seeing things around me as a piece around which I could weave a problem. For example, I saw a bunch of chairs and created one, where a party planner had to organize a game of musical chairs. Next, I had heard an anecdote from a colleague about refilling inks in markers and designed a problem around it.
Expected outcomes of this exercise are:
A. Ability to adapt to varying (even unimaginable) problem types
B. To train the mind to be quick and responsive (not reactive)
C. Cultivate a placid temperament to handle seemingly confusing LRDI sets
In Conclusion
CAT LRDI is earmarked to test an aspirant’s grit, reasoning skills and intelligence. CAT 2022 LRDI is going to take up 1/3 of the exam. So, don’t deprioritise practicing a variety of sets with good quality, and believe in your innate logical sense to reveal itself with flying colours on the D-day.
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Death and Rebirth of Europe
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