How do you learn and revise simultaneously for CAT Quants? Very often, I find students facing difficulty in juggling learning and revision. They come back to a topic and realise that they have completely forgotten the topic. That happens to the best of us.

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The Solution:
The best way to tackle this is to revisit topics. You have to spiral your way towards a comfort zone. You take on percentages, profit and loss, ratios, and mixtures…then hit percentages again. Or, speed time distance, races, profit and loss, ratios, mixtures…then pipes and cisterns and speed time distance again.
Whatever order works for you, focus on that. Or have no order at all. The takeaway is that you have to learn and revise iteratively. Keep on revisiting and you’ll get better.
Our mind is equipped to deal with taking in lots of stuff. The catch is that our mind is also volatile. So if you miss out on revision and revisiting, stuff flies right out. Give it a chance to settle in and integrate your fundamentals thoroughly.
Solving a CAT Question without revision is like crossing a river across a flimsy bridge. The more you revise, the stronger your neural connections w.r.t to the topic. The bridge will become as sturdy as necessary.
I highly recommend that you watch this incredibly informative video by 2IIM about the Art of Revision. It is concise, detailed and is a must-watch for connecting your revision with Mocks.
Why should you learn and revise simultaneously?
Do you revise only the concept or just practise questions? Do BOTH. Revising in itself consolidates a concept. Practising builds speed and automation. Speed and automation reinforce fundamentals. Everything is connected!

When you revisit for the first time, it may end up feeling like you’re reading the topic itself all over again. You may realise that you don’t have any of the connections that you thought you had built.
Second time around, your mind automatically does stuff better and quicker. You may not realise this fully.
The third time, the connections fall in place naturally. This will set you apart in the endgame of CAT.
If you’re looking to be bombarded with lots of questions and mocks and ace your CAT 2020, check out 2IIM’s Test Dojo. You might also want to check out our Video Solutions for CAT 2019 Quants!
CAT Registration has begun! Are you planning on attempting CAT 2020 or CAT 2021? Check out this wonderful article to help you decide.
If you’ve already decided to go for CAT 2020, register here!

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Stay Safe and Best Wishes for CAT!
Rajesh Balasubramanian takes the CAT every year and is a 4-time CAT 100 percentiler. He likes few things more than teaching Math and insists to this day that he is a better teacher than exam-taker.
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