1. Accuracy is Everything
The most important point here is straightforward. Be anal about accuracy. Not some notionally brilliant 80% types, but nigh on 100% accuracy.
The big difference between 93rd-94th percentile to 98th-99th percentile is accuracy. Having a high accuracy rate is a necessary but not sufficient condition. So, from day 1 aim for near 100% accuracy.

2. Read A Lot
If you have the reading habit, build on it. Read all kinds of nonsense. If you don’t have the reading habit, build it. Read all kinds of nonsense.
Reading. always. pays. off.
Rajesh Balasubramanian – IITM, IIMB, Director 2IIM.
Some folks will tell you that Reading for the last two months alone won’t help. Run from them. Run like the wind.
3. Prepare in a Cocoon
In the last few weeks, every Tom, Dick and Rajesh will want to give you gyaan and tips on preparation. They might be good (some are great, you know who). But you still need to tune out of this and focus on your preparation. You need to come up with YOUR plan, YOUR exam-strategy and build YOUR routine to crack it. A lot can be outsourced in life, but not this.
4. Take n mocks. And then some more.
Taking mocks should become second nature. Take lots and lots of mocks. Preferably from more than one provider. You should reach a point where taking a mock just does not take much out of you. And then start at zero and throw so much into a mock that you get tired at the end of it.
5. Build A Strength
It really helps if you can tell yourself that no matter how tough the paper is, you will get 99.8 percentile in Quant definitely. That kind of strength can anchor an assault on 99.5 wonderfully. If you can have one of the three sections nailed in, that’s brilliant. If you are strong in one section, set the bar high. Very high.
Note: It should not become an obsession and lead to you chasing a mirage and getting too hung up over your strong suit. Keep that in mind.
7. Attention to Detail
Very crucial. The difference between the 95th and the 99th percentile is a bunch of small things. If you make these small things a matter of habit, the big things will fall in place automatically. As the saying goes, the devil lies in the details.

What are the small things?
- Computing to the last decimal in DI.
- Carefully eliminating the last choice in RC. Instead of saying “this is a one-out-of-two choice. Sometimes it works, sometimes it does not”
- Worrying about ‘another’ way of filling the grid in LR AFTER you have got one solution.
- Reading the paragraph in the sequence you have chosen in para jumbles. Just to make sure it reads well.
- Continuing to read slowly. Even under time pressure.
- Taking a deep breath and pausing to tell yourself you are on the right track even after skipping 4 questions in a row.
8. Stamina is Critical
A lot of students get burnt out during the exam. Make sure you build stamina carefully from day 1. You need to have a sense of when your fatigue errors happen and counter them. Stamina automatically gets built when you take a bunch of mocks. But focusing on it specifically also gives good returns.
How to build stamina?
- Go step by step. Create an artificial target. 2 passages from the Hindu, 2 Sudokus and 6 questions from the 2IIM question bank at break-neck speed. Don’t time yourself and plan to optimise. Pace yourself and promise to remain switched on.
- Rattle your weakness area: If you hate DI, tell yourself you will do 10 high quality DI sets without getting into a murderous mood. Again, don’t tell yourself you will do DI for 1 hour. Tell yourself, you will stay switched on for however long it takes to complete 10 DI sets.
- Play around with strategy: One of our students took back-to-back mocks in order to combat fatigue. His reasoning was “If I can last 6 hours at a stretch even twice. I will have the belief to stay alert for 3 hours easily”. Crazy idea, but it worked for him.
- Most importantly, have fun while preparing. This is a fabulously fun exam to prepare for. You read 4-5 readable passages, solve 25 fun questions and 3-4 interesting puzzles. Become the person who thinks this is a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Not the one who has a feeling of impending doom.
9. Push yourself harder
This is broadly an extension from whatever we have spoken of thus far. Apologies if we are entering into self-help gyaan territory. But truth is, the guys who crack this exam are the ones who set high demands of themselves. If you work till 8 pm but are behind on your mock count. Freshen up, have a light dinner and take a mock from 9pm to 12. Might not be your best performance, but will give you new belief that you CAN DO this stuff. Chances are you will get a decent score and then tell yourself that “If this is what I can do when I am this tired. I will bl00dly kill this exam when I am fresh”
10. Try your best to handle pressure.
This ain’t easy. There are no easy fixes for this. Make sure that you acknowledge that this is a high-pressure exam and take every effort to de-emphasize that. You need to carry ‘josh’ into the exam hall, not anxiety.
Read this article. If you are into sports, definitely read this article. Take this as inspiration when you have a go at this exam.
Get ready for D-day well. Do your favorite things in the run-up to the exam.
I take the exam, practically, every year. Every-time I take the exam, I would work myself up with all kinds of fun thoughts and stuff the day before the exam and the day of the exam. Chocolates – yes. Planning for extravagant lunch after the exam – Yes. Favorite attire – Yes. Day-dreaming about smashing the paper out of sight. Yes, oh yes.
Drink lots of water, get copious amounts of rest and gee yourself up really well. Think of Virendra Sehwag and how he does not care about the opposition players, think of Dhoni and how he stays cool, think of Usain Bolt and about how he comes alive on big occasions. If you are into football, think of how Iniesta operates with amazing speed but in extremely unhurried fashion.
All the Best for your CAT Preparation.
Rajesh Balasubramanian takes the CAT every year and is a 4-time CAT 100 percentiler. He likes few things more than teaching Math and insists to this day that he is a better teacher than exam-taker.
Firstly, thankyou for writing strategies out. But I’m having a query to ask & that is- I have only 7CGPA in 10th & 60% in 12th. Am I considerable candidate for any IIM?
Maybe. You got to check their individual sites to be pretty sure. But there are a bunch of schools in the top 20 that will accept you. Work for that!
Thank you very much.. It’s quite informative and helpful. I love your strategies as it creates a strong foundation for any CAT Inspirant. Thank you!
I am in the mid way of prep done with arithmetic and doing algebra on the verge of finishing it. Eng is ok ok. LRDi literally suckss. I just don’t have that patience and calm to read the whole thing and ans the ques. I have studied for quite a sometime till sep but the last mock I gave. I scored 40 marks. What do I do.. is it even possible for me to get above 95 percentile ????
It is absolutely possible. For dilr specific q, check this out: https://online.2iim.com/cat-exam/blogs/cat-preparation-strategy/puzzle-selection-rules-cat-dilr/
Hi.Iam Divya,trying to apply for CAT but strucked at filling the marks into CGPA grading, please help me out.
If it’s cbse 10th, multiply by 9.5 to get VB percentage. From there convert into marks.
If it’s cbse 10th, multiply by 9.5 to get percentage. From there convert into marks.
It’s really awesome. Thank you sir
Hi sir i am facing too much problem in varc
I attempt 15 – 16 question but only 6 – 7 got correct.
Not able to comprehend the passage, after analysis i found out.
How should i comprehend better
You get better with mocks. More you read, better it becomes.
Keep your accuracy as high as possible.
Sir, I have just joined an inside sales executive job.Should I do it or leave.
Yes. You should absolutely take it up. If you think you need a better job, take this job and search for a job in the meanwhile.
i am targeting around 95+ percentile in both VA and LRDI sections. but i score near about 40-50 percentile in quants. so as the time is running out should i only focus on arithmetic, geometry and modern math?
That would be a fabulous way to start off, and progress! Best wishes.
First of all thankyou soo soo much sir for such wonderful and helpful tips for the CAT preparation and secondly I want to say that may God bless your life with lots of goodlucks and wishes as you are advicing the right tips to the students and most importantly on the right time I think when most of students like got demotivated and upset and they want to quit their preparation keep us motivating sir you are giving a mantra to the students like us and keep doing such graceful work.
Thankyou, is a very small word in comparison to these beautiful,inspiring and empowering articles that you write,but still, Thankyou is all that I can say. I keep it a point to read your article every day, for keeping my Josh high, and this one especially…….I am punctually following your advice and believe that I will crack it up this time.
Oh wow that was a good one…. Can be used at any exam…,
Absolutely! Best wishes!!