The last 3 months are the most crucial for CAT Preparation and you will be hearing lots of inputs on how to plan preparation. This is probably the best time to look at what not to do as well.
During your preparation, look to avoid these 3 mistakes.
Citing pressure from work (or in rare cases, college)
The demands on your time from people who pay you a salary is to be expected. This is why what you get paid is called “compensation”. This “work pressure” in the last 3 months is more often a suitable excuse than anything else. You are shooting for this MBA thing because you are ambitious. Now is the time to man up and go all out. The time to wake up at 5 am and get 2 hours in, time to skip the sit-com marathon, the Salman-Khan movie, those long phone calls, those Insta stories, and the gazillion other things that distract you. Practically everyone can find an additional 20 hours per week over a 3-month period.
Not going all out because of the “fear”
The fear that if you throw everything into this and come up short, there is nothing you can tell yourself. For some reason holding on to the delusion of “unrecognised potential” seems bigger than going all out with CAT Preparation. Like the father of the 9-year old who needs to tell himself “My son would have got 100 if not for those silly mistakes and distractions”, many students pull back in the last lap so that they can tell themselves later that they did not really go for this. A great many silently suffer from this fear without even realising it. Having been that person on a few occasions, I can confidently tell you that the thrill of “unrecognised potential” rapidly vanishes and you are left with this feeling of having blown an opportunity.
Lose momentum because of an unrealistic plan
If you plan to somehow extract 50 hours every week over a 20-week duration, it has unrealistic written all over it. Even though there are only 3-4 months left for the exam, you cannot suddenly become superman. Do not set targets for hitting 98th percentile by week 10, 99th percentile by week 15 and then climb up to 99.7 percentile by D-day. This percentile thing is a mugs game. There will be spells where your percentile stagnates or even goes back. You should have the confidence to not get bogged down by this and try to find some other lever to crank up. If you have started with an unrealistic plan, you are likely to slip into mistake 2 before you even realize it.
Giving it all you’ve got!
There are no guarantees in this exam. It is intensely competitive, and there is an element of randomness/luck in there as well. Make sure you avoid these 3 mistakes during your CAT Preparation. Have a credible plan B, but do not sit on the fence. Give this thing a full-blooded go.
Best wishes for CAT exam. Bear one thing in mind, you can be the person who went all out, or the person who found a “compelling” reason to not do this. Be the first person.
Rajesh Balasubramanian takes the CAT every year and is a 4-time CAT 100 percentiler. He likes few things more than teaching Math and insists to this day that he is a better teacher than exam-taker.
Rohit Kumar Singhvi says
Hello sir,
Firstly thank you for such amazing advice and i have a question for you that most probably every 3rd or 4th students must have asked you that i have 82% and 66% in my 10th and 12th respectively.
Am i eligible for any top 10 b-schools after scoring a good 99% percentile??
Please be specific sir!!
Thank you again
sushant says
Thanks a ton sir. Really appreciate your efforts in motivating us.