CAT Registration & Questions, going by the cheesy social media meme one-line, can rightly be called “a better love story than Titanic/Twilight (or whatever else)”. Ever since the uncertainty in the final year examinations, issuance of marksheets, and more started playing out, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a flurry of questions. We have been answering most of them in this series of posts on CAT 2020 registrations.

Death and Rebirth of Europe
Part 1 of the series talked about some fundamental Do’s and Don’ts during CAT 2020 registration, Part 2 presented enough and more details on the NC-OBC and EWS forms, Part 3 explained some common mistakes that need to be avoided while filling up your CAT 2020 registration form, and Part 4 walked you through a whole lot of diverse questions on gap year in work, work experience, proof towards that extent and more.
In Part 5, now, we will look to delve one notch deeper and answer some of the ‘CAT registration questions’ that do not fall in any one particular category but, nonetheless, are very crucial.

1) Final year acknowledgement form – how can one get it?
This is an unprecedented predicament we find ourselves in. If you are still in your final year, it is good to have your final year acknowledgement form duly signed and attested by the concerned officials.

You cannot visit the institution if your hometown is elsewhere. What is the best possible scenario in that situation? Find a friend-cum-college-mate who can personally visit the institution. Get the documents signed and ensure they reach you. The bottom-line is that it is possible to get it some way or the other.
2) The burning question on format of NC-OBC certificate
CAT registration questions are incomplete without the doubts on NC-OBC and EWS criteria. The new normal only manifests the usual doubts in a larger scale.

It is not mandatory to have the NC-OBC certificate in the format prescribed in the IIM CAT website.
If you have a duly attested and official certificate that states “Does not belong to creamy layer” and “Belongs to this category”, you should be good to go.
3) Marksheets and the number of years – confusions galore
The next most important CAT registration question is related to the college marksheets.
Knowing your marks is different from having a marksheet.

In many cases, you will know the result your latest semester (or the one before that), but the official marksheets will be available with you for only the first couple of semesters. It is alright.
As long as you know your marks/CGPA/percentage of a semester, and are sure that is going to be final, make sure enter those details as well.
You could be pursuing a five-year degree of a four-year degree. As long as you are in your final year, you can apply for CAT 2020. Furnish the details of results of how many ever semesters you have the numbers for.
4) Documents for Persons with Disabilities
This is almost synonymous with the answer to the NC-OBC form. If you do not have a certificate in the prescribed format, it is alright. A certificate from the hospital that checks all the requirements as prescribed in the CAT 2020 registration form should be accepted.

5) The degree certificate conundrum – provisional vs actual
CAT can be taken up only if you are in your final year of undergraduation or have already completed your undergrad. This naturally leads us to one of the CAT registration questions, especially one that concerns recent graduates.

If you have not been awarded your final degree certificate yet, fret not. Your provisional degree certificate will be considered at this point for sure.
6) Signature – how much can it vary?
Though we have answered this in an earlier episode, there are different versions of the question on signature. It is alright if you had a different signature when you were in your tenth grade. Your signature might have changed after you stepped into college, for example.

Make sure you maintain some uniformity, though. You cannot keep switching signatures like iPhone users switching to a higher version whenever possible.
7) Preferred city as the exam location – how does allocation take place?
In the list of CAT registration questions, this one ranks on top in the criteria of ‘preconceived and unreasonable answers’. If you are one of those who think just because you filled the form earlier, you are automatically eligible for the test location of your first preference, you cannot be more wrong than that.

The allotment of centers does not happen on a first-come-first-serve basis. They have their own set of mechanisms based on which they will allot each aspirant one of the city mentioned in the preferences.
It is most likely that you will get the city of your first preference. However, there are chances that you might end up getting the second preference or the third preference as your actual test location. Prepare yourself for any outcome, as much as possible.
8) The confusion on optional subjects

The IIM-A guidelines on admission/selection process for the batch of 2021-23 clearly states the following:
“For computing the AR (Application Rating) score of an applicant, scores in all subjects that appear in their marks-sheet of 10th and 12th Std. examinations will be considered irrespective of whether the board considers them for calculating the percentage.”
This implies you HAVE TO enter your marks, irrespective of whether the particular subject in question is an optional one or a mandatory one. All subjects mentioned in the marksheet are taken into account, in other words. Period.
9) Chartered Accountants and CGPA
There is no mandatory requirement for entering CGPA for those who are pursuing/have pursued CA. If your CAT registration question is on these aspect, there you have your answer. You need not worry about not having a CGPA as such. Percentages will suffice.

10) The curious question on creamy layer
There is a government regulation on which components of one’s salary needs to be taken into account to determine the ‘creamy layer’ status.

If the prescribed components of the salary of the person in concern does not violate the non-creamy layer threshold, as per government regulations, it is still a valid case.
Do not come to the conclusion that the CTC is directly accounted for while determining the ‘creamy layer’ status.
Stay safe, register soon, keep preparing, and best wishes for CAT 2020!
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