CAT 2020 Registrations have opened since August 5th and will go on till September 16th. As Part 4 of a series of posts regarding CAT 2020 Registration, this post will seek to provide answers to Common CAT Registration Doubts.

Death and Rebirth of Europe
CAT 2020 Registration Series:
Part 1 of this series highlighted some Do’s and Don’ts during CAT 2020 Registration. Then, Part 2 dealt with details regarding the NC OBC and EWS form. Part 3 delved into some crucial mistakes that must be avoided during CAT Registration.

I don’t know who needs to see this but take a look and be calm!
Let us jump into the answers to Common CAT Registration Doubts now.
Batch of 2021: Things to Remember
If you’re both logically and technically in your final year as of now, and you wish to apply for CAT, then how do you go about it? (you might want to read this article about choosing between CAT 2020 and CAT 2021 if you are undecided).
Final Year Form
Maybe you’ve proactively made arrangements for a final year form but as far as I know, there isn’t any place inside the application portal where you can upload the final year form.

Fill in whatever scores you have till your previous semester, and don’t fret about it too much. Whatever results are out, fill those in.
There is a checkbox that reads, “I am in my Final Year”. Definitely check that box. You cannot not do that.
Check out this article which talks about whether Final Year Students should apply for CAT!
Batch of 2020: What to Fill?
This is an understandably tricky position to be in. Logically, you should have graduated by now, but technically, this is not the case for most of you out there.
Started Working?
This CAT Registration Doubt is extremely contemporary, given the pandemic. How do we go about this? I raised this query with the CAT Help Desk and received an answer which went like this –
If you are the Batch of 2020, but your final exams and results are not yet over and out, then you should check the box “I am still in my final year” while registering.

You automatically belong to the category of final year students if your case is like the one above. Fill in whatever scores you have so far. If you have already begun working, it will not count as work experience because IIM’s have clearly stated that your work experience can only be counted AFTER graduation.
Pending Results?
This case quite obviously has the same answer as the above query. Don’t worry about it. If your results are pending, you come under the category of final year students. Make sure you check this box and then go for it.
Backlogs – What Now?
This query applies to Batches of 2020 and 2021. Worry about fixing the backlogs and passing the tests this time around. If you apply now, you must clear the backlogs by the time next May/June happens.

Quite simply, the idea behind this is that before admissions, IIMs and B-Schools want you to have graduated completely.
CAT Registration Doubts: All About Entering Scores
Let’s say my university gives me my CGPA by some abstruse calculation. How do I convert this to a percentage? The simplest way? The unique formula that your university uses to convert your CGPA to Percentage.
Ask your university for their formula. Explain your situation and they will try their best to help you with your calculation.

If your university clearly says that there is no conversion formula, then multiply your CGPA by 10 and use that. This information is available at the IIM CAT Website.
If you’re unsure about converting your CGPA to Total Marks/Percentages, then go straight to the IIM CAT Website, and click on the FAQ Section at the top-right and find it. That should shed some light on how to enter your 10th or 12th or UG Scores.
If you already know how to go about it, then go for it. If you’re retaking CAT, use your previous CAT application and enter those scores. This should smooth things along.
Decimal Points? Not Getting Accepted?
Your decimal points matter and how your round it off also matters. Try and stick to 2 Decimal Points when filling your scores. Be it 12th or 10th or UG. Whatever it may be. If 2 doesn’t work, try 1 instead and see what works.

The moment you know you’ve gone to the next step in the process, you know your scores have been accepted. So don’t worry too much about this. If you have any further queries, contact the CAT Help Desk.
University Name Not Listed?
Recently, I heard that Delhi University was not listed for a while in the application portal. Maybe it was a bug and it has been fixed. If your university name is not available, do not fret too much. Click on “Others“. That is all there is to it.

However, make sure you do search thoroughly for your university name before concluding that it is not available in the list. Eliminate chances of overlooking.
CAT Registration Doubts: All About Jobs
Own Business/Partnership?
The best way to go about this is to FORMALIZE everything. Have your business or firm registered properly. Make sure your bank statements reflect properly. Have proof of all the documents regarding your business from its establishment and running to your revenue streams. Preferably a tangible paper trail that can prove your business’s authenticity.

Having evidence authenticates and validates your business and prevents any chances of skepticism that may arise. If this feels unfair, remember that in the past, many students have tried to con interviewers to believe that they own a business without actually owning anything.
The need for proof also arises if you’re working for a startup or you’re an entrepreneur.
Gap in Your Job?
Should we even show this? The answer is YES. Let’s say you took a break of 3 months to prepare for an exam. Or, you had to take some time off because you were unwell. The reasons could be myriad. The point is that you have a gap in your job where you did not draw a salary for whatever number of months and you SHOULD show this.
There is a column in the application portal that provides a space for “Number of Months Gap during your Work Experience“. Definitely fill in the correct amount of months and eliminate all thoughts of trickery.
It is always better to be truthful and get the best that you can rather than getting something through devious ways and then getting caught…the latter will mess up your entire career.

Never take anything for granted. There is value in being truthful. Remember that!
If you’re someone who works/worked as a freelancer with no fixed job, then you can only show this during your interviews. The same goes for internships.
There is a very clear definition for a formal job according to IIM’s:
- It has to be paid.
- It has to be full-time.
- And, it has to be post-UG.
If you haven’t graduated yet, and you have started working in April, I don’t think you can claim to have a work experience of 3 months. CAT clearly specifies that your work experience can only be counted AFTER your graduation. After your results and final exams.

However, during your interviews, if they ask you what you were doing, make sure to tell them about your freelancing projects or internships. Explain why you could not include this in your application and have PROOF of your projects or internships.
Your knowledge and experience from projects and internships will come in handy during your interviews but you cannot take your experience from an informal job and put it to use in your application.
All Good. Started Working. How many Months should I Count?
If your job satisfies the definition stated above, all your final year exams and results are done with and you’ve graduated, then count your work experience till 31st July 2020.
Check out our fabulous article about Work Experience and MBA to gain insights into this topic and assess where you stand.
A Final Note
CAT 2020 Registration goes on till 16 September 2020. Read up, have everything ready BEFORE you apply and ensure all your CAT Registration Doubts have been clarified. Don’t wait until the last minute either!
Here’s a wonderful video about preparing for CAT from August. Learn for the sake of learning!

Death and Rebirth of Europe
Follow Part 5 of the series that continues to address more questions.
Stay Safe and Best Wishes for CAT!
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