Undertaking, in its general sense, is a formal promise made as a contingency. The floodgates of the dam named ‘CAT 2020 registration‘ were let loose on 5 August 2020. Ever since, there has been a huge outcry pertaining to several things. Until the registration process ends, at least, the bone of contention is going to be this. “How can I go and get a document/certificate/affidavit signed at this moment from the authority concerned? When there are widespread lockdowns everywhere, and safety is not just a theoretical concept anymore, but a way of life, how is this fair?”

Death and Rebirth of Europe
So, are the CAT 2020 officials being unconcerned about the COVID-19 scare?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. It is a no-brainer. They would not have announced the date of examination if they had not pondered enough and more about COVID.
Are you trying to tell me that life is back to normal. Should I somehow get my documents attested, no matter what?
No, I am not saying that. Your case is probably no different from thousands of others who might be in a similar position. Many need some form of attestation or the other to verify their economic background, disability status, and more.
It is true that several places are still under lockdown. Offices are functioning with less to limited staff; banks and other public offices got shut temporarily due to the COVID scare.

You seem to understand my predicament. But where is this going?
Things are not looking to change anytime soon. However, the D-Day is fixed. CAT 2020 is scheduled to happen on 29 November 2020 for sure. Also, the registrations are going to end on 16 September 2020. These are the available constraints we have.
Operating with these constraints – just like a Logical Reasoning puzzle – how would you get the necessary documents on time? I can hear you scream, “You seem to suggest that there are no ways.” Or, are there?
Oh, wait. Is there a workaround?

Though it did not seem like it, you got that one right. Yes, there is a workaround. And, it is very simple and straightforward. It does not take much time, there is no need for a green pen and a seal/stamp.
But, what it is is what it is. It is just a workaround for the time-being. Till there is no other way out. And, it applies only for your CAT 2020 registration process.
The Undertaking Format and CAT 2020 registration process
Let us say you have to get your NC-OBC/EWS/SC/ST/PwD certificate for THIS YEAR. In these tough times, not everyone will be able to get it signed from the authority concerned.
This is where the Undertaking Format, introduced by IIMCAT, comes in handy.
What does the Undertaking Format state?
The Undertaking Format is a self-attested affidavit, which allows you to register for and take up the CAT 2020 examination, under the following three conditions: (The Undertaking format can be accessed from here).
- Because of the coronavirus outbreak in the country, I am not in a position to get the relevant certificate issued by the competent authority at this moment.
- I will produce the required certificate at the time of the Personal Interview (if shortlisted for the further selection process), failing which the IIMs have all the right to cancel my candidature.
- As a special case this provision is made available to the aspirants, willing to apply for CAT 2020 (This provision is only for CAT 2020).
Does that mean I need not submit any certificate?
It does not mean that. Clearly, there is a catch, as the Undertaking Format itself states:
“Please note that you are required to upload this duly filled in undertaking (Printout/handwritten) along with your available category certificates (old certificates) in a consolidated PDF file.”
Effectively, you need to have some proof to substantiate your claim. The only relaxation is that the certificate need not pertain to this year AT THIS POINT IN TIME. If you are selected for the subsequent stages of the process, you should produce your latest certificates. Till then, however, you are saved.

- Your CAT 2020 registration should not get deterred because you cannot get a certificate signed before deadline.
- However, this is NOT a permanent escape of sorts. A temporary workaround has been provided, taking into account the bigger crisis the country is facing.
- You MUST have with you the old certificates to submit along with your undertaking.
So do not wait for the eleventh hour to knock on your door. Since there are just 93 days to go (the AICTE announcement does not affect CAT 2020, and CAT will happen as per plan), aim to get things done on time. Last but not the least, focus better on your CAT preparation.
Stay safe, register early, and best wishes for CAT 2020!

Death and Rebirth of Europe
Written by Giridharan Raghuraman
If i don’t have old certificate but i have recent application slip for ews.
Can i fill form under this qouta
Hi Sinran, This is especially for people who DO NOT have the latest documents, OR CANNOT get it signed from the relevant authorities. If you have the latest version of the relevant documents duly signed by the concerned officials, you can submit those documents.
I had submitted the form using last year’s certificate. How do I submit the undertaking?
Hi Rohit, you have already submitted the application and paid the fee?
does that mean she can still take the undertaking using the EWS application slip?
If the new versions of the required document, duly signed by the authorities concerned are available, it can be used. Otherwise, submit the Undertaking along with previous year documents.
Hi, I am from EWS quota, looking to fill form as per that, but last EWS form i have is one for the year 2012-13 when i got admission in college. and right now the file is under process for this year, what to do then? should i wait for the file or what to do??
Please contact the IIMCAT Helpdesk to get this addressed. Not really sure about how old the certificates can be.
The undertaking form requires you to fill the CAT 2020 application number but i think it would be generated only after filing the complete application. Then what should I fill there?
It should be the User ID, since the only other available option we have before we submit the application.
I have provided the scanned copy of original certificate do i still need to upload Undertaking ?
PS. I dont have the original hardcopy of certificate with me.
You will have to produce the hardcopy of the certificate during further processes. It is better to have both soft copy and hard copy always. If you do not have the hard copy, but have submitted the soft copy already, it is high time you tried to get the missing hard copy.
I dont have the original hardcopy of certificate with me right now. All my documets are in my college.
HI. When you say old certificates , How old can they be? can i use a ews certificate which is 4 to 5 years old?
We are really unsure. Ideally, one should have a certificate that is as recent as possible. However, please contact IIMCAT Helpdesk to get this query addressed.
HI. When you say old certificates , How old can they be ? can i use a certificate which is 4 to 5 years old
Could be, as long as you can get hold of the new one before admissions.
They have asked the “CAT application number” in the undertaking form. Is it my user ID i received while registration?
Hi Sriram, yes. That can be used.
They have asked for the application number in the undertaking form. Is it the user id received while registration??
They have asked for the application number in the undertaking form. Is it the user id received while registration??
You could use that.
I don’t have any old certificate, neither I’m having the current certificate. Will uploading the undertaking work? If not, what should I do?
Hi Suraj, You need to submit some old version of the certificate along with the Undertaking, as far as we understand. Please contact IIMCAT helpdesk on what needs to be done in your case.
I don’t have any old caste certificate, neither I am having the current certificate. Will uploading the undertaking work? If not, what should I do?
There is ‘Application number’ to be filled in the undertaking form. I believe application number is allotted only after completing the overall registration process. How to upload the undertaking doc with caste certificate while applying?
Thanks a lot for your help!!
Hi, you can use the User ID mentioned in the application.
Sir, what is the application number as mentioned in the undertaking form of cat 2020
I believe, application form is what you get post application filling, As of now, ignore it. for best interpretation, do ping iimcat helpdesk.
Since the only number mentioned in the Application while filling is the User ID, you can use the same.
Hi sir. I have applied for the EWS but haven’t received it yet alsoialso a fresh certificate. I don’t have an old one. Buy I do have a registration number. Can I fill the undertaking form without attaching an old certificate? Is it valid to do this? Please help! Really in a pickle.
As far as the IIMCAT’s information goes, you need to have some version of the old certificate. Please contact IIMCAT Helpdesk to get the issue addressed.
Please help me sir
Do I need to self attest the attached old caste certificate ?
Nothing of that sort is mentioned in the Undertaking Format guidelines in the IIMCAT website. Self-attesting does not hurt. So why not?
Since you have already submitted the application, please contact IIMCAT Helpdesk to see what can be done.
Hi, did you get what should be filled here
Hi Urvashi, What should be filled where?
i have my new OBC certificate but i don’t have my NC certificate. should i attach my OBC certificate with undertaking form or just upload the undertaking form?
Uploading the undertaking form is better
what should be the certificate issue date in case i m giving undertaking. it doesn’t go beyond 2021
Hi Abhirup,
I would suggest you to apply for the certificate immediately and make sure that you get your certificate. There has been changes in the central govt OBC list and eligibility also depends on your father’s income in the recent financial year. So, please make sure that you get your certificate and then apply for CAT. If your’ sure of eligibility and want to apply using the undertaking form, then fill the most recent date in the pop-up.