CAT 2019 Admit Card was available for download since 23rd October, 2019. As always, please take all information from the Official website for CAT 2019, i.e. iimcat.ac.in
How to download CAT 2019 Admit Card?
Head onto iimcat.ac.in and look to the right side of the page for a Blue button that reads “Login”.
When you registered for CAT, you would have created an account. The Login ID and Password would have been mailed to the registered email address from the mail ID: administrator@cat.com
Use login Credentials mentioned in the mail with the subject “Successful Registration for CAT 2019”. Go to the 4th tab in your application to find your “Admit Card”. Click on the download button to save an offline copy of your CAT 2019 Admit Card.
What information should you keep track of?
Check which slot your exam is being conducted in. There are two slots on D-Day. One in the morning, and one in the afternoon. Also make a note of the centre where you’ve to take the exam.
For a majority of students, their first preference of city would have been the one in which their centre would be located. So do a quick google search for the centre location and see how far it is from your house and what the quickest way of getting there is.
Getting there on time
I have seen very many cases of weird experiences on the way to the centre because of weather – rain, fog, etc.

- Once, a student had to travel 35kms in Delhi with visibility so horrible that they could not see beyond 5 to 10 ft in front of them, due to Fog.
- There have been numerous instances where it starts raining intensely on the way to the centre, so students going there on a two wheeler get entirely drenched by the time they reach their centre.
Point being, a lot of prep time, sleepless nights, and difficult days have gone by in your journey to CAT 2019. It all boils down to 3 hours of every year. Make sure that you’re in the best frame of mind to take that exam for those three hours.
Also, there is something called reporting time, which will be mentioned on your admit card. So check the reporting time and be there on time. Leave early, get there early.
People will not allow you to get into the exam hall even a minute after the deadline to reach there. If you’ve to write the exam in a different city from where you live, get there a day before, and see how to get to the centre. Prepare yourself for the worse case scenario. Don’t leave anything to chance.
What to take with you?
Please take Address proof & ID Proof with you to the centre. Nothing will be allowed into the exam hall except you and maybe a plain hand-kerchief.
According to the official guideline rule, you’re to take the photograph you uploaded online, with you, to the centre. Make sure you do that.
We all love to skip through the terms and conditions wherever they’re shown to us. Lets not do it this time. Take your admit card and read through the points given below the centre venue. Follow them to a T.
Prep Advice
Taking Mocks for CAT 2019
From now on, if your exam is in the evening slot, then take all your future mocks in that slot to get used to sitting for three hours in that time slot. To mimic the experience of actually taking the CAT, you can sit silently.
If you want to take CAT 2018 Question Paper or the CAT 2017 Question Paper, you can head to 2IIM’s CAT Question Paper Page.
Revision is key
As always, revision is indeed key. Watch the Video below to know why and how to revise.
Last week before CAT – What to do?
Don’t take a mock in the last couple of days. There will be this lingering fear/temptation of “Have I prepared enough”. Don’t give into it. Binge watch a season of Bojack Horseman or Whatever else floats your boat.
Don’t do anything that gets your nervous or panicky. What you’ve done in the name of preparation for 6 months is good enough. Preparing like crazy in the last week is not going to help much.
We will have another article similar to this ~10 days before CAT. If you have any questions before that, feel free to mail us at info@2iim.com.
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