This is a part of our initiative (Bharath’s Reading list) to document all articles that we keep sharing through our reading list. This blog post contains articles shared in the last one week. The articles are from a wide variety of topics and will also be updated inside the individual topic list as well.
Keep this link open in a browser. Click on individual articles available below. Read them to improve your CAT VARC Preparation in the long run. There are no shortcuts when it comes to CAT VARC preparation. Persistence is the key to getting a great VARC Percentile in CAT. All the articles that I shared in the last one week are listed below date-wise.

Death and Rebirth of Europe

“It was an unusual coincidence, one that presented a difficult choice. Mossad agent Rafi Eitan described the missed opportunity to an interviewer from Der Spiegel almost fifty years later:
In the spring of 1960, as we were planning the arrest of Adolf Eichmann, we learned that [Josef] Mengele was also in Buenos Aires. Our people checked out the address and it proved to be correct.”

“Aches on a Plane
Long-Form: The story of a troubled FedEx flight engineer who boarded a flight unannounced and attempted to carry out a terrifying plan.”

Death and Rebirth of Europe

“Stereotypical portrayals too often focus on the rituals and portray none of the nuanced, often agonized thinking behind them. Consequently, it’s become common—and even acceptable—for anyone who likes things in order or who keeps a clean house to use the OCD label to describe themselves.
“I’m so OCD” has become a joke, a shorthand for being clean or organized.”

“It’s not a temporary affliction: It’s the millennial condition. It’s our base temperature. It’s our background music. It’s the way things are. It’s our lives.
“To adult” is to complete your to-do list — but everything goes on the list, and the list never ends.
The carrot dangling in front of us is the dream that the to-do list will end, or at least become far more manageable.”

Death and Rebirth of Europe

“The Dig
The Keeladi excavations may alter the world’s ideas about the earliest Indians. But progress hasn’t been smooth for one of the country’s most sensational archaeological projects.”
Follow us on Instagram for our Daily ‘Reading List Rewind’, where we post quizzes based on the day’s article.
Happy Reading and Best Wishes!

Death and Rebirth of Europe
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