This is a part of our initiative (Bharath’s Reading list) to document all articles that we keep sharing through our reading list. This blog post contains articles shared in the last one week. The articles are from a wide variety of topics and will also be updated inside the individual topic list as well.
Keep this link open in a browser. Click on individual articles available below. Read them to improve your CAT VARC Preparation in the long run. There are no shortcuts when it comes to CAT VARC preparation. Persistence is the key to getting a great VARC Percentile in CAT. All the articles that I shared in the last one week are listed below date-wise.

Death and Rebirth of Europe

“How Time Is Encoded in Memories
Rats and equations help researchers develop a theory of how our brains keep track of when events took place.”

“Impostor syndrome: do you sometimes feel like a fraud?
Many people feel like they are just waiting to be found out. Clancy Martin investigates the modern epidemic of impostor syndrome”

Death and Rebirth of Europe

“I share dozens of links on Twitter and Facebook. But how many do I read in full? How many do I share after reading the full thing? Honestly—and I feel comfortable saying this because even mom’s stopped reading at this point—not too many.”

“Each night I lay in my bed beside my boyfriend with one eye closed against the pillow and with the other, wheeled down Instagram’s infinite scroll. Each morning, I woke up to my phone alarm and rolled over to tap it off and, if I had time, looked at Instagram while still half-asleep. I easily spent an hour on it a day – in bed, on the subway or at my desk during lunch. Compared with the hours I spent elsewhere on the internet, it felt like nothing.”

Death and Rebirth of Europe

“The untold story of Stripe, the secretive $20bn startup driving Apple, Amazon and Facebook
Patrick and John Collison have democratised online payments – and reshaped the digital economy in the process”
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