Important lessons from New Zealand's Rise against the Tide attitude Cricket is awkward, irritating, and silly. It has languors, it can be baffling one minute, boring the next, and brilliantly compelling the third, and it does last an unreasonable amount of time, and demand an unfeasible amount of attention. This is why its rhythms are entirely unlike anything else in all of … [Read more...] about Important lessons from New Zealand’s Rise against the Tide attitude
CAT Preparation Strategy
Transformation of CAT Exam over the Decade | Change in Prep Strategy
How did CAT Exam transform over the Decade? How does this affect / alter your CAT Exam Preparation Strategy? At the time of writing this blog post, I have taken 7 out of the last 10 CAT Exams since 2010. Some information might not be 100% accurate due to the number of years between the events happening and being recollected, however, the overall picture should … [Read more...] about Transformation of CAT Exam over the Decade | Change in Prep Strategy
How to analyze your first Mock CAT| Important Do’s and Don’ts
How to analyze your first Mock CAT| Important Do's and Don'ts Hopefully, by now all of you have written your first mock test. For some of you the result has turned out to be pretty well and for quite a few students the results weren't as you guys expected. In such a situation many are afraid to write their second mock test and many are thinking about what inference they … [Read more...] about How to analyze your first Mock CAT| Important Do’s and Don’ts
How to nail Quant section | 7 critical ideas for non-engineers
How to nail Quant section | 7 critical ideas for non-engineers The count of the people who outrightly question the existence of Maths altogether is fairly high in number! We also come across hundreds of jokes and memes about “How Maths is a torture”, and the stress of dealing with Mathematics and its problems! We also go about this very common yet not always true notion in ou … [Read more...] about How to nail Quant section | 7 critical ideas for non-engineers
6 Common Traps to Avoid in the Quant Section
6 Common Traps to Avoid in the Quant Section For most candidates, Quantitative Aptitude is probably the most challenging section to crack in the CAT. There are a lot of common CAT Quant traps that occur that must be avoided and identified from the initial preparation stages. If you are looking to know how to begin your CAT Quantitative Preparation, head out here. During your … [Read more...] about 6 Common Traps to Avoid in the Quant Section