Death and Rebirth of Europe
What is this CAT Reading List?
This CAT Reading list is created by me, as a result of spending several thousand hours in reading thousands of articles and picking articles that can help a CAT Aspirant in VARC Preparation for CAT, and has about 1000+ articles in this collection. Most of the articles in this list are going to be much longer than your passage that appears in CAT. It is done intentionally to help one retain the understanding from reading an article and not facts. It is a collection of all articles I have shared across since 2018 on a daily basis. This will also get updated as and when I post new articles. We are also planning to have a weekly list of articles.
How to Make use of CAT Reading List?
Bookmark this CAT Reading List page. (press ctrl + D if on a PC, or press the star on the right of the url bar, if on chrome either on mobile or pc). Keep coming back to it on a daily basis. Reading everyday helps tremendously in your CAT Preparation in two ways to start with:
1. Your VARC Prep takes care of itself.
2. You get more time to spend on Quantitative Aptitude and DI LR Sections.
This page provides you with meticulously curated articles to improve your English Comprehension, especially if you are preparing for Management entrance exams such as CAT, XAT, IIFT etc.
Find articles classified broadly under 6 different major categories. Click on the Category button to view collection of hand picked articles under that category. You can also scroll down to find recent articles from each category listed under tabs.
Categories listed are:
- Technology, Industry and Science (part 1 50+ articles | part 2 60+ articles)
- Psychology and Philosophy (part 1 48 articles | part 2 40+ articles)
- Humans and Culture (part 1 60+ articles| part 2 60+ articles)
- Politics, Law and Crime (part 1 50+ articles| part 2 20+ articles )
- Economy and Business (part 1 20+ articles)
- Fiction and Others (part 1 8 articles)
Please add me in bharat sir curated reading list mail id so that i can get the email whenvever sir posts the new article
Please add me in bharat sir curated reading list mail id so that i can get the email whenvever sir posts the new article
could you add average reading time and goal reading time (best to achieve) along with the links? this way we could time ourselves.
Please add me in bharat sir curated reading list mail id so that i can get the email whenvever sir posts the new article
Please add me in bharat sir curated reading list mail id so that i can get the email whenvever sir posts the new article
Please sir add me for updates related to new article
Can I get the regular updates of articles whenever they posted ?? If yes,how??
Hi Megha, we have been posting articles almost daily. Visiting https://online.2iim.com/cat-exam/blogs/ daily once is a routine you must definitely consider starting.
I am very very thankful to you sir thank you so much for this free material now a days no one gives this much material free thank you so much.. . ??
Glad the Reading List if of use, Netra. The articles are carefully curated. A lot of effort goes into picking and choosing the right kind of articles while also keeping in mind diversity in genres and themes. These kinds of positive feedback are really important to us
Thank you So much for curating this wonderful list.Feeling so grateful !
Like I keep saying, a lot of effort goes into curating this list. The articles are carefully chosen to maintain diversity of topics and ideas, while ensuring they are of the highest standards as well. Happy that you are finding it useful!
Thank you So much for curating this wonderful list.Feeling so grateful !
Sir…is just reading enough?? Or should I make some summary from it??? Which would be better??? Please help me..I am still worried about my VARC scores??? I don’t know how much this could help me…
Going to CAT exam on the D-day with 400 to 500 hours worth solid reading is better than anything else. Read vigorously and continuously, even if there are articles or passages that make you feel like you do not understand anything.
Thank you so much for this reading list
Exactly sir sometimes I feel just I am reading and reading actually most of the time during reading and I face lots of obstacles to complete the article rather then skip anything I just read it take more than 20 minute to read the whole article about any article what should I do?
It is ok to take 20 minutes to read an article. Do not lost hope. Keep reading. Bharath.
Please add me in bharat sir curated reading list mail id so that i can get the email whenvever sir posts the new article
You can follow us on YouTube, Facebook or telegram to get the article delivered daily to your inbox. https://t.me/twoiim
Since November 3rd week I couldn’t find Bharath’s reading lists
Can you please help me?
Or Is there any other way to find it?
Hello! We are starting off reading list for cat 2022 in a few days!