How to stay consistent while preparing for CAT

Death and Rebirth of Europe
This blog is the first of 3 part series where we talk about Consistency, Motivation and Burnout! Keep watching this space for the next 2 blogs.
When it comes to the CAT, a below average aspirant with not so great academic track record will hands down clear this exam provided he or she consistently works towards improving his or her knowledge and skills. On the other hand brilliant aspirants with extremely high IQ and academic track record will fail in this exam when they practice inconsistency consistently despite all god given gifts they possess. We have witnessed this not so strange phenomenon many times in front of our eyes.

I’m not asking you to become a perfectionist! Wait, what?

When it comes to life, let inconsistency be the virtue you practice. No human can ever be consistent with anything he or she does. One can not be creative all the time to create masterpieces. One can not be a world number #1 tennis player forever. One can never be a good leader all the time (By now, you know who I’m talking about, right? Ahem! Ahem!). You know very well that you can not hit the gym every day. We can’t stop the urge to go out and socialize even when we know that Corona is silently lurking around in a corner. This is the truth. There can not be perfection. In fact little inconsistency is needed to understand and enjoy life better. This is when things around us are normal.
But,but,but…. Enter CAT Preparation

But, when it comes to the CAT (which is obviously not normal, just kidding!), or for that matter any competitive exam – there should be consistency in how, what, where and from whom you prepare for these exams. This is a competition where individuals should work on maximising their chances of scoring highest marks in all three sections of CAT – to finally get selected for an IIM. To maximise their chances, one must improve their knowledge and skills to meet the demand of the exam and to beat the level of competition that they are facing. Improvement will happen only if you make mistakes, understand them and not repeat them.
CAT preparation is like a Test Match, it’s not a T20
The one who makes maximum mistakes early in the preparation and makes most improvements by the time the exam appears, will have the maximum chance of clearing this exam. One can improve only if one is consistent most of the time. The more you are consistent in following a plan and executing it (perfectly or imperfectly), the better are your chances of making more mistakes and learning from them.

But your problem is that you are scared to commit mistakes. You want to give perfect answers on day one. You want to score highest in mocks on day one. Any score that is very low (compared to others) stops you in your tracks. This mentality is one of the main reasons why people fail often and never see improvement. To reach a level of competency you must work hard consistently.
But, how to stay consistent man?
The answer is very simple and easy provided you have clarity about why you want to be in this competition. To stay consistent you should stop worrying about the future, and focus more on what you can do best today. As my colleague Bharath always says, ‘One hour at a time‘. One day at a time must be the strategy.
Never think of the outcome without putting sincere efforts today.”
Rajesh B
Most of you have the tendency of getting scared about your Past sins (read acads!), and the final result. Self-doubt will kill consistency. Fear of failure will kill both consistency and your chances of success.
Never, never, never give in!”
Winston Churchill
To not to procrastinate or to quit (as most people usually do for the fear of not performing well – in test series etc) – you must prepare your mind to face uncertainties on a daily basis and be prepared to face the worst. Every day can not be smooth. Sometimes you study very well and sometimes you waste the whole day. It’s fine. But no matter what happened in the past, never quit.

If you’re looking for a well made schedule to prepare for CAT, then kindly check this out. This plan is your best option to stay consistent. If you are not following this plan then you are missing out many things.
Forgive yourself when you miss one or two tests. Forgive yourself if you have wasted a few days in the past. But never regret. Start focusing on today’s or tomorrow’s targets.

Push your own limits…Keep going!
Sometimes you should push the limits to achieve impossible things. Every human has innate potential to achieve the greatest things. But very few have the will to realize their potential. Having chosen this path you should not think small and act small. Be very ambitious. Despite facing failures and daily little hurdles, still be ambitious. Have the grit to face anything with utmost determination. If you think you lack abilities, focus on cultivating those abilities. Nothing is impossible as long as you keep putting sincere efforts.

Be internally motivated
Even when things are boring and uninspiring to do, do them anyway. Don’t wait for someone to come and inspire you to do things (like we are doing right now through this article :P).
Always have strong internal motivation to keep yourself up and awake all the time chasing your goal. As Rajesh sir always says, “If you are able to do things even when you lack mood or inspiration, you will be able to achieve success sooner than all your competitors.”

Death and Rebirth of Europe
Stay positive and best wishes for CAT 2021!!
Abhishek works for 2IIM, and is a keen writer.
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