This is a part of our initiative (Bharath’s Reading list) to document all articles that we keep sharing through our reading list. This blog post contains articles shared in the last one week. The articles are from a wide variety of topics and will also be updated inside the individual topic list as well.
Keep this link open in a browser. Click on individual articles available below. Read them to improve your CAT VARC Preparation in the long run. There are no shortcuts when it comes to CAT VARC preparation. Persistence is the key to getting a great VARC Percentile in CAT. All the articles that I shared in the last one week are listed below date-wise.

Death and Rebirth of Europe

“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have been permitted to run facial-recognition searches on millions of Maryland driver’s license photos without first seeking state or court approval, state officials said — access that goes far beyond what other states allow and that alarms immigration activists in a state that grants special driver’s licenses to undocumented immigrants.”

“In technology and software, the employees are the company. They are the intellectual property. There’s no machinery. The people are both the labor and the capital. And so, if the employees want to go a certain direction and they are united, well then, I don’t think there’s a CEO in the world that could defy their entire employee base.”

Death and Rebirth of Europe

“Brain decoding took off about a decade ago1, when neuroscientists realized that there was a lot of untapped information in the brain scans they were producing using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). That technique measures brain activity by identifying areas that are being fed oxygenated blood, which light up as coloured blobs in the scans. To analyse activity patterns, the brain is segmented into little boxes called voxels — the three-dimensional equivalent of pixels — and researchers typically look to see which voxels respond most strongly to a stimulus, such as seeing a face. By discarding data from the voxels that respond weakly, they conclude which areas are processing faces.”https://go.nature.com/2SYUe4n
“Prices of voice calls had started drifting lower from 1999 itself. From 16 rupees a minute to 6 rupee a minute to 2 rupees a minute to virtually zero by 2016-17 after the new big player Jio entered the market, voice, which was the bedrock of profitability of telecom companies, started contributing almost nothing towards revenues from 2017. Data became the principal contributor of revenue. Yet, the Average Revenue Per Unit (ARPU), which was about Rs. 1600 in 1998 got down to only Rs. 72 per month in March 2018. Profitability of the telecom companies tanked.”

“It’s an intentionally dramatic claim, directed not only to Israeli voters but also to the U.S., Europe and even some Arab states that were once enemies. And it is an argument that has animated his entire political career. By advancing Israel’s military prowess, Netanyahu believes, a country about the size of New Jersey with a population roughly the size of New York City has secured a unique place in history. A strong and innovative military, he argues, combined with an embrace of capitalism, has translated into globe-spanning success in technology, business and diplomacy. It’s a major achievement, in Netanyahu’s telling, worth the considerable costs. “I don’t look at my survival,” he tells TIME. “I look at the survival of the country, its durability, its future.””

Death and Rebirth of Europe
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