Shortlisting Criteria for the common admission process (CAP) 2021
Today we received / are still receiving emails from 9 IIMs under the Common Admission Process also popularly known as CAP Interviews. This article is to discuss the CAP Shortlisting criteria.

Death and Rebirth of Europe
CAT 2020
CAT 2020 was honestly a nightmare for most of the aspirants, with each slot having a different toughest section, and non comparable slots on the day of the exam. A number of different curveballs were thrown that day.
Any CAT aspirant could easily be the recipient of one and could have been stumped by the paper in one form or another. To know more about our first thoughts on CAT 2020 – head out here: https://online.2iim.com/cat-exam/blogs/cat-2020/cat-2020-first-thoughts/.
CAT Score Vs Percentile
When the entire CAT industry was trying to put a number to a score, we at 2IIM steered clear of that, and the reasons are provided in this super detailed blog: https://online.2iim.com/cat-exam/blogs/cat-2020/cat-2020-percentile-prediction-and-the-ethical-dilemma/.
Once that is done, 2IIM provided a score calculator that did not require any kind of login or personal details, and was a hit among the aspirant community. With the data that we collected (which we shared to the community after making sure it is anonymous) we went through a rigorous statistical exercise. The results of the same is detailed in this fantastic video.
CAT Results
Then came CAT results (as usual the night before XAT) causing furor among CAT Aspirants. A lot of disappointment happened once students saw their results officially. However, the last glimmer of hope resided with the fact that, the sectional cutoffs could be lower.
Today – CAP Selection Criteria 2021
This brings us to today, when CAP (Common Admission Process) of 9 New and Baby IIMs released shortlists (sent emails to students on their shortlisting). Post that, IIM Raipur, the New IIM that is responsible for the Common Admission Process (CAP 2021) also has released the shortlisting criteria.
Whiff of fresh air

Amongst all the bad happenings in the last 6 months, CAP Selection Criteria is probably the best thing that has happened as the sectional cutoffs were reduced by a margin this year. Find below screenshot of the original document followed by link to the original page.

What next?
Start your GD PI WAT preparation seriously. This CAP Shortlist could have been a surprise to many of us, hence, you need to get into the mindset of preparing for Interviews from the mindset of, this year is completely gone, let me see what I can do next year.
Check out the following pages to prepare well for GD PI and WAT
- How to Prepare for WAT: https://online.2iim.com/how-to-prepare-for-wat-gdpi/how-to-prepare-for-wat.shtml
- How to Prepare for GD: https://online.2iim.com/how-to-prepare-for-wat-gdpi/how-to-prepare-for-gd
- How to Prepare for PI: https://online.2iim.com/how-to-prepare-for-wat-gdpi/how-to-prepare-for-pi.shtml

Death and Rebirth of Europe
WAT GD PI Preparation
If you are keen on preparing for GD PI WAT From the best, check out 2IIM’s GD PI WAT Online Course here: https://online.2iim.com/IIM-CAT-GD-PI-WAT-Interview/
Wishing you all the best for GD PI WAT Rounds
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