Death and Rebirth of Europe
How to build your profile for B-school?
Most MBAs will tell you that an MBA from a top business school can transform your career and life in a myriad of amazing ways. Most will also tell you that getting into a top B-school requires a stellar profile as well as a rock-solid CAT score.
Now, it is no secret how to get a rock-solid CAT score. But when it comes to building a stellar profile, this is the holy grail of all questions out there. So, before we get to the answer, let us define the elements of a profile. What are the components of a “profile?” Your profile is the overall impression that the various elements of your resume create.
Most of the things that would go on to a resume can be fitted into one of the following labels.
- Academic Performance
- Work Experience
- Co-Curricular Achievements
- Extracurricular Achievements
What is a “good” profile?

A good profile ranks “average” or “above-average” on the majority of the above-mentioned elements and has a spike on at least one of them.
Someone with above 90 per cent in X, XII, and Graduation will be considered to have a significant spike in academics. Because most aspirants (at least in this part of the world) have the 90s in X and XII, it is the 90 in your graduation that will put you in the outlier category
Why does the profile matter?

Your profile plays a major role in three things
- The probability of you getting a call from premier institutions
- The conversation you are going to have in your PI
- The shortlists you are going to get during your summer placements
But all of the elements listed in the profile factors do not equally influence all the three things mentioned above.
The probability of you getting a call from premier institutions
Each b-school has a different set of criteria based on which it gives out calls. The usual elements that come into play are – CAT Score, Academic Profile & Work Experience
Each b-school gives each of the three components a different weightage and in some cases no weightage at all. For example, IIM-C does not consider Graduation Marks and gives, and IIM-I gives more weightage to XII marks etc
The important point to note do not worry about what you cannot change — your marks in the past — let the IIMs decide their weightage and give out calls based on their calculation, and focus on what you can change.
The conversation you are going to have in your PI
Most prestigious colleges send out a form to be completed along with a call to the next round. This form will ask you to fill out not only details about your academic profile and work experience but also questions such as why you want to do an MBA and a list of your accomplishments.
When you arrive for the interview, the panel will have your completed form, and you will be asked questions based on what you have filled out. This is where your profile’s accomplishments and interests come into play.
The shortlists you are going to get during your summer & final placements
You will be having your summer placements 3 to 4 months into your MBA. So this means that your resume will not have changed at all. So the profile you have before getting into the b-school is what you will have while applying for summer training.
How to boost your profile?
As previously stated, you must concentrate on what you can change in your present, and thus your future, rather than your past. Begin by considering the suggestions below to improve your profile.
Take up courses aligned with your career aspirations
Well, if you’re an engineer and want to get into finance! Well to do this you have to show what steps you have already taken towards your goal.
Many engineers who are serious about pursuing a career in finance are taking the CFA exams. The CFA exam is neither simple nor inexpensive to prepare for. But if you’re serious about it, you should go for it.
Learn a new language
Working knowledge of a foreign language will boost your profile as business schools strive to increase diversity in their classrooms.
It has been observed that learning new languages improves conversational abilities, study skills, and concentration—all of which can be channeled to help with the CAT preparation and interviews. So go ahead and enroll in a language course to impress the interview panel with your knowledge of French, Spanish, or whatever language you want.
Take up social impact activities
While both freshers and working professionals can do this, it is easier for the latter to become an active contributors to your organization’s CSR initiatives. You can also sign up to volunteer for an NGO that works in your field of interest, such as education, health care, or the environment.
Practice your Oratory Skills

Excellent public speaking abilities are as desirable in an MBA candidate as they are in life. Make the most of every opportunity to practice this skill at work. You can reach out to and influence a larger number of people if you have good public speaking skills. The ability to communicate effectively with a large group of people is also an important step toward becoming a great leader.
If you’re having trouble getting up on that pedestal, consider joining a public speaking club like Toastmasters and getting an oratory makeover!
Write a Blog (Ahem!)
Whether writing has always been an interest of yours or not, honing your writing skills will pay dividends when it comes to MBA admissions. Writing a blog will provide recruiters with credible proof of your communication skills. Writing a blog will also increase your visibility and provide you with a platform to share your thoughts. To write well-informed blog posts, you must read extensively – this will help you improve your research skills. A well-maintained blog is an excellent way to boost your B-school profile for all of these reasons and more.
A final note!
Choose activities that will help you break the stereotypes that people would fit you into if they could. For example, if you are among the over-represented IIM (Indian IT Male) population, joining an NGO may not differentiate you that much, because many Indian aspirants have NGO experience on their resumes. Choose something out of the ordinary that will stay with the panel members.
As aspiring management professionals, you must demonstrate that you are capable of far more than others. You must demonstrate that you do more than simply commute to and from college or work. Demonstrate that you are passionate about things other than what is required. You must demonstrate your ability to perform on a much larger stage.
So, choose a few options from the list and get started!

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